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Select a color range

The Select Color Range tool lets you select noncontiguous, similarly-colored areas of an image.

Use the Select Color Range tool

  1. Choose Edit > Select Color Range (from the Edit menu at the top of your screen).
  2. In the Tool Options pane, customize the options for the Select Color Range tool:

    Sample All Layers: When Sample All Layers are turned on, it makes the Select Color Range take into account the contents of every layer in your image, not just the selected layer.

    Smooth Edges: Select Smooth Edges to naturally smooth the outline of the Select Color Range tool. With Smooth Edges unselected, the selection outline will be a little more precise but jagged.

  3. Click the canvas to pick a color range, or click the color well in the Tool Options pane to choose a specific color.

  4. Drag the Range slider to adjust how many other color values close to your selected color will be included in the selection.

  5. Click Apply to confirm a selection.

Pixelmator Pro User Guide