Background, sky, subject layers and white border

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2024-04-20 15:19:52

The side effect of creating a new sky, background or subject layer is a white outline.
See here:
Is there a way to gest rid of it (other than avoiding blacks and greys)?
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2024-07-05 19:04:35

Any ideas?
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2024-07-07 21:55:22

Depending on whether you’re masking the background or the subject, try using the mask controls to expand or shrink the mask slightly, and add some feathering.
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2024-07-21 16:33:34

by paulbee Depending on whether you’re masking the background or the subject, try using the mask controls to expand or shrink the mask slightly, and add some feathering.
try using the mask controls to expand or shrink the mask slightly, and add some feathering.[/quote]

This is the Photomator forum and I don’t see any controls that slightly expand or contract the mask or feather it. Please show where to find the controls while being very specific. This would be a useful feature if indeed it does exist. I’m using an iPad and iPhone. Thanks much.