Support for panorama stitching

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Pro?
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2021-11-26 15:21:48

Dear Pixelmator team,
I'm a former Photoshop user, and I have to say that I've very impressed with your work. I have been able to change my workflow to Pixelmator Pro and there's only one feature that I'm missing. Are you guys planning on adding a panorama stitching tool? That would be an amazing addition to an already great app. Please consider it. Best regards, DC
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2021-11-27 15:08:11

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2021-11-29 13:41:36

This and HDR merge would be great!
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2021-11-30 08:30:54

The last time we've discussed panorama stitching and HDR merge with the team, these features weren't very high on our list of priorities, so we're not very likely to start working on them soon. But thanks for sharing the feature requests anyway — it's good to revisit and reconsider them from time to time. :pray:
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2021-12-03 04:50:29

Aurelija, I really appreciate how your team is very transparent and honest about priority levels and timelines for specific feature requests. Even if something isn't coming anytime soon, it's refreshing to hear that rather than be left in the dark wondering if it will come out next week or never. Thank you!
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2021-12-03 11:23:06

by Harris 2021-12-03 02:50:29 Aurelija, I really appreciate how your team is very transparent and honest about priority levels and timelines for specific feature requests. Even if something isn't coming anytime soon, it's refreshing to hear that rather than be left in the dark wondering if it will come out next week or never. Thank you!
Happy to pass on the info! :)
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2022-01-09 20:27:58

I would definitely love a feature like this, currently preforming these merges in Affinity Photo for iPad, but I much prefer the UI of Pixelmator Pro.

The auto alignment feature in Affinity works extremely well, but I really don’t enjoy preforming photo adjustments/corrections there.

Same with the HDR merge for bracketed photos. Hopefully this is something that could be considered for a future update :)
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2023-02-23 01:02:38

Yes photo stitching panoramas and HDRs is all you guys need to compete with Lightroom. With the video editing features you guys just released, you would have a killer must have app then.
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2023-03-07 04:56:55

A stitch in time
I gave up on accomplishing panorama stitching in Pixelmator, brilliant though it is; found a simple solution in Swift Publisher 5!
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2023-03-07 10:31:28

@Dino How did you stitch a panorama in SwiftPublisher? Or do you just use linear gradient masks on the seams which isn´t pano stitching?
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2023-03-07 22:13:20

This would be great - I currently do this in Affinity and it does a good job, but Pixelmator is much faster and simpler to use so would love that.
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2023-03-08 00:03:09

I wish this was a higher priority. I'm not a team member just a humble user but Hey, as someone who uses Pixelmator for photography I would LOOOOOVE a stitch/stack ability. You guys are the team to do it right too, I believe in you all, keep beating Adobe at their own game and you guys will go even farther.
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2023-03-27 14:26:12

Affinity Photo does a really good job of this - look forward to it being part of Pixelmator one day..
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2023-08-04 15:23:54

We need a panorama stitching tool !!! :hammer:
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2023-08-08 13:31:03

+1 on the panorama stitching feature!
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2023-08-14 13:46:51

+1 for this
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2023-08-16 09:46:33

Very much essential.
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2023-09-01 15:51:36

+1 on the panorama stitching feature :exclamation:
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2024-05-11 17:53:20

I’d love to see stitching. Panoramas are fantastic on Vision Pro, and you can get much higher quality with stitching vs using the built in pano capture.
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2024-06-06 20:45:05

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2024-06-19 16:23:44
