"Bake to JPEG" Workflow

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Photo?
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2024-05-27 07:42:57

I don't know if I'm the only one with this need, but I feel like it should be an easy win implementation-wise, since all the building blocks are there.

I usually shoot RAW only, and import directly from my camera into my Photos app on my iPhone, so that I can edit my RAWs on my Mac and iPhone using iCloud sync.
However, once I'm done editing, these RAWs of course take up significant storage in my iCloud, so what I want to do, is basically overwrite the RAWs and all their non-destructive edits with a JPEG. Right now, I do this by exporting and re-importing, then deleting all the RAWs, but this is cumbersome, only really possible on my Mac, and error-prone.

Thus, I would really love a workflow that can do this, so I can just do it in large batches using Photomator. This would really take this app to the next level for me.

Thanks so much for considering this and for the amazing work you do!
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2024-05-27 11:38:08

Nice idea! I've added it to our feature request list. :pray:
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2024-06-03 19:20:15

Just adding that I'd like to see this implemented in a format-independent manner, because my needs are similar but HEIC is my target format.
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2024-06-14 16:12:56

I think my dream solution would just be a „Reimport“ toggle in the export workflow, that supports another optional „Delete originals“ or „Overwrite originals“ toggle, depending on user testing :) That would also support all format needs and be Future proof