Apple Photos Extensions - especially for the macOS version of Photomator PLEASE!!!

Discuss Photomator and photo editing.
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2023-06-16 21:13:01

I have purchased the lifetime license so I could get both the macOS, iOS and iPadOS versions to play with (even though I already own a license to Pixelmator PRO for my iMac).
I realize that there is a nice library integration built into Photomator but would like on the macOS version to have the ability to use extensions (versus the "edit with" option) in Photos. I prefer to use Photos as my browser and to select what photos to edit/work with further than what the Photos app itself can do and it is easier - like with Pixelmator Pro - just use the Extension to pass the photo and it's adjustments back and forth.
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2023-06-19 10:26:07

A Photos extension would certainly make sense for Photomator. However, it would be a feature we'd want to add to Photomator on Mac, iPhone, and iPad at the same time (or at least develop it simultaneously) and the biggest roadblock right now are certain restrictions the Photos app has for third-party apps on iOS and iPadOS. But we'd really love to explore this in the future.
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2023-06-19 11:30:37

Thanks for the answer and explanation. Hope you will find a way to do it especially on the MacOS version.Keeping fingers crossed.
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2023-07-25 13:19:55

....and I guess when using PM as an extension in Photos, it would be sent just the jpeg version of the photo to work on even if the original in Photos in RAW? Same problem as many 'extension-editors'.

Or would this be different for Photomator?
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2023-08-31 11:16:04

Hi. I agree with Swandy the use of extensions is really what I am looking for so the edits can be done sort of within the Photos app which remain the application that manages the library and Photomator acts as an advanced edit mode. I think this is a must add on the Mac regardless of iOS/ipadOS and it should have been included with the Mac release to begin with. you should not wait for some move on the part of apple on the iOS side of things because who knows what and when Apple might accommodate this. No reason to wait on the Mac. Please get it done. Thanks.
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2023-12-18 08:46:26

Hello, I think this is an essential feature. I've taken out a subscription to Photomator to process RAWs in Photomator and organise my photos in Apple Photos. The extension also exists for Pixelmator. Is it so complicated to do this for Photomator? Thanks for explaining these subtleties...
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2023-12-26 13:02:54

Support this very much. Quite annoying to not have this as an extension, whereas there is one for Pixelmator Pro.
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2024-01-03 22:15:59

It isn’t necessary to have Photomator work as an extension on an iOS device. They are clearly different but there are other iOS apps that function as an extension eg SKRWT
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2024-01-03 22:22:01

by Roger Traill It isn’t necessary to have Photomator work as an extension on an iOS device. They are clearly different but there are other iOS apps that function as an extension eg SKRWT
Yes but also have Photomator on my iMac where I prefer to work on photos and would love a Photos extension like there is for Pixemlator Pro.
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2024-05-23 18:23:41

On the Mac the lack of extension support is a dealbreaker for me, as I work with different photo libraries, so one system library and that is ok when browsing, but non-system libraries cannot be used for RAW-editing.
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2024-06-13 11:43:29

Any news on this requested feature?
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2024-06-14 01:43:18

This should be an easy thing to implement. Please do it
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2024-06-14 01:49:00

Nice to see my old thread is still alive and getting responses. Now if only the Pixelmator people could just oblige….