Missing “pixel perfect” features in some tools (in nomen omen)

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Pro?
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2023-09-12 14:04:16

Pixelmator is great and has one of the most interesting UIs I have seen in a long time.
Here are a few things that I miss when using it for precise pixel editing:

- Pixel/Bitmap fonts look blurry as there is no way to disable text anti aliasing
- Resize tool/gizmo should allow type of filtering (nearest neighbour)
- There is no way to easily replace one color in a pixel-perfect, floodfill-like way. Selective color inserts small blurring around the color.
And finally:
- When zoomed on maximum level (while editing / drawing individual pixels) the “pixel-paint” tool square mis-aligns a bit. It is in general not so well suited as a pixel editor tool on atomic level.