can't change color of rotated text

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2023-07-18 17:46:46

PPro 3.3.8
Create a text block, rotate it – and I cannot change the color of the text unless I reset rotation to 0. Which is a pain, to say the least. Makes no sense.
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2023-07-19 13:49:24

I don't know what you are doing wrong, but it works fine for me. Using the type color selector. Even turned it into shapes and the style color selector worked great. Same version of PixPro. Did you figure it out?

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2023-07-21 13:26:44

If you decide to adjust the text color via the "Style" menu" you can´t change the text color inside the Text tool anymore - unless you delete the Style from it. Can´t confirm that it has something to do with a rotation value.