expand color adjustments panel and name

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Pro?
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2022-02-21 21:59:23

Would be nice if you could make it possible to expand the color adjustments preset panel to accomodate more presets per collection without having to swipe left and right if desired, and more importantly change the way the name is presented to be at least 2 lines rather than just 1 as presently you cannot see the preset names if longer than 6 characters.
It's fine if the name covers more of the preset thumbnail.
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2022-02-22 14:08:11

Hey Ters, if you drag the divider line below the color adjustments presets browser, you should be able to expand it. You should be able to drag the line as soon as the regular Arrow pointer changes into a move up or down one:
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2022-02-22 18:31:31

Yes, I have already expanded it as far as it will go and the only other option to add more is by swiping the panel left or right.
I would rather be able to expand the panel even further down even at the expense of taking up more space than having to swipe left and right.
Also, being able to see the full preset name is equally or more important rather than just the first 6 characters of the name.
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2022-02-25 11:07:23

Ah, understood. Thanks for the feedback! I'll forward it to the team. :ok_hand: