Could you enable batch repairs?

Discuss Photomator and photo editing.
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2021-06-30 19:07:43

In my workflow I have to take each image and removed some textual annotation that is at the same location and is the same size in every image. It would be awesome if you could allow the batch system to run the repair tool with my predefined paint strokes on every image in a batch. I realize that this might be challenging for the general case where all the images in a batch vary greatly in size and orientation.
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2021-07-01 11:23:22

Jun 31?
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2021-07-01 13:07:15

by wradcliffe In my workflow I have to take each image and removed some textual annotation that is at the same location and is the same size in every image. It would be awesome if you could allow the batch system to run the repair tool with my predefined paint strokes on every image in a batch. I realize that this might be challenging for the general case where all the images in a batch vary greatly in size and orientation.
This could technically be possible using AppleScript if the Repair Selection command was scriptable. Perhaps it's something we can add in the future.
by Heinrich II. 2021-07-01 08:23:22 Jun 31?
And I thought this stuff only happens in February. :sweat_smile: Forwarded this to our web dev. Thanks for pointing it out!
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2024-05-07 09:27:03

I wanted to +1 my interest in a feature like this. Even including repair in the copy/paste would help quite a lot