January 6, 2011

Transition to the Mac App Store

We are right there on the Mac App Store! Woohoo!

What’s even more is that we just announced something very cool in celebration of the launch of the Mac App Store. We call it the “Pixelmator Transition to the Mac App Store”.

The transition basically means that if you buy Pixelmator on the Mac App Store now for only $29, you will get the totally awesome Pixelmator 2.0 for free once it is out on the Mac App Store later this year.

Yup, that’s true, and yup, it is totally worth it.

I told you many times that we believe that the Mac App Store is a future of software distribution and sales, that it is going to be an absolute hit and, of course, that we are very excited to be a part of it.

And, since there are so many benefits for everyone, we are fully committed to supporting the Mac App Store. We plan to completely move Pixelmator sales and distribution to the Mac App Store as soon as possible.

Therefore, now is the perfect time for you to click this button:

P.S. Even if you decide not to move to the Mac App Store, we will continue to provide you with free Pixelmator 1.X updates until version 2.0, just as promised.

P.P.S. Oh, and to be sure everything is clear – there is no way of transitioning Mac apps to the Mac App Store for free as of yet. If there was such a way, we would have definitely give it for free to our registered customers. That’s why we are reducing price and giving Pixelmator 2.0 for free once it is out.

P.P.P.S. Look at the bottom of the “Panic on the Mac App Store” article about the update policy. Everyone has that issue: http://www.panic.com/blog/2011/01/panic-on-the-mac-app-store/


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  • Christian

    So 2.0 will only be available on the appstore? What about existing users?

    14 years ago
  • Chris Herbert

    Yes, what Christian said. I just got Pixelmator (in a box) around Christmas, will the 2.0 upgrade be free as well or will we have to buy it directly from the MAS?

    14 years ago
  • FrancescoK

    I had asked your support about upgrade pricing to 2.0 and was suspecting exactly this (App Store transition + free 2.0 upgrade) when I didn’t really get a straight answer.

    Anyway: Fantastic price and instant buy for this fine piece of Mac software. You must be relieved not to have to deal with all the distribution crap anymore. Love it!

    14 years ago
  • Radada

    Hey guys, what about all the early users, the one who allowed Pixelmator to be such a great tool now? Only news users will benefit from the 2.0 for free? I know, you can’t give it for free to everyone, but stil… 😉

    14 years ago
  • Johannes

    I’m not shure if you can help: I have a licensed Pixelmator installed on my Mac, but the Mac Store offers me to buy Pixelmator again, while other software like Aperture (Apple software only?) is already marked as “installed”.

    Can I make the App Store recognise my Pixelmator so that I get updates etc. through the App Store?

    14 years ago
  • Johannes

    Oh, RTFM, forget my comment… 😉

    14 years ago
  • Julian


    You can’t.

    It’s only Apple’s own software that does that. If you want Pixelmator updates through the AppStore you have to buy it a second time.

    14 years ago
  • Marco

    BOUGHT and COMMENTED and well RATED (5 stars) from Italy 🙂

    14 years ago
  • Jonathan

    @Julian Not true, Delicious Library 2 shows up as installed, so it’s not just Apple apps.

    Existing paid users are getting the short end of the stick. And there’s no way with the App Store to give them a discount or upgrade. Sorry to burst the App Store bubble there.

    I certainly won’t buy again now, and I’m definitely going to think twice about upgrading once 2.0 comes out.

    Also, don’t we get updates, now either? 1.6.2 is the only one I can get, whereas the new App Store buyers get 1.6.4?

    14 years ago
  • Valentin Grouès

    I am really disapointed by this policy. Basically new users can get 1.x AND 2.0 versions for just 24 € whereas previous users will have paid in total 59 € + 24 € = 83 € for the same thing. Weird way to thank early users…

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide

    We just tried to find a honest way for everyone to own Pixelmator. We worked extremely hard for every single customer and we think we are doing it right offerring Pixelmator 2.0 upgrade for $29.

    Remember, we are not pushing it – you will still be getting any free updates we make in 1.X era.

    I assure you that it is a really good and honest deal.

    14 years ago
  • Marcus

    Rapid Weaver also shows, that it’s installed here. although I installed the new version some days ago by downloading it from their website. So, why not Pixelmator?

    14 years ago
  • xxx

    As Jonathan said, way to screw your customers, with the (lack of) updates and not supporting installed app recognition 🙁

    Not that I’m that surprised, I learned that you don’t give a damn right after I bought Pixelmator and couldn’t for the live of me get a proper, UK law abiding, receipt from you… Well, one learns: no “transition” from me, when it costs as much as Pixelmator cost me the first time.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide

    Dear xxx,

    I am not sure what makes you think that you will not be getting updates? You will be getting free updates till 2.0. Version 2.0 will be a paid upgrade.

    14 years ago
  • xxx

    Mac App Store: Pixelmator 1.6.4 (with changes unrelated to app store listed in what’s new section). Pixelmator in-app updates: 1.6.2 is the latest available.

    @Marcus: Why not? This way, it’s $29, that’s some nice extra cash.

    14 years ago
  • David Storms

    I like this app a lot, it’s too bad that it’s not a free conversion into the Mac App Store. I should have waited as I purchased it only 2 months ago. I understand the business reason, I doubt it’s a technical one driving this. At some point I will have to re purchase this app if I continue to use it, sounds like I would have to pay for 2.0 anyway, hopefully it is the same price as Pixelmater is now, then I’ll just blow away my 1.x version and grab the latest.

    14 years ago
  • LL

    Got some grumps here today. I bought Pixelmator a few weeks ago for $29 from macupdate and i’m not too worried about not getting a free update to 2.0. I expected to pay for 2.0 anyway.

    14 years ago
  • Andy Venus

    What is being done here is a perfectly standard practice. New customers from this point forward get version 2 for free while older customers who’ve been enjoying the product for longer have to pay. It’s a standard thing to give recent customers the upgrade for free. This is the start of that cut-off point.

    14 years ago
  • Valerie

    This is fantastic! Looking forward to the 2.0 upgrade and I will gladly pay $29 to have it and support you guys. Pixelmator is such valuable tool. To think all I have invested in it so far is $59 is amazing. Thank you so much for offering such a powerful and affordable product. No complaints here!!!

    14 years ago
  • snowy2004

    While the deal is pretty good ($30 for 1.x and 2.x), it does put current users at a disadvantage. I certainly don’t expect current users to get 2.0 for free and at the very least you have made sure that the out-of-store app will still be upgraded until 2.0. However, you’re asking current users to re-pay for a program they already have for the future advantage of receiving 2.0. Is there a timeline in which we might expect this new version? What can we expect out of this new version? I would jump in for the sale but it’s hard to give $30, even for such a good app and developer, without knowing when exactly (or approximately) it will pay off.

    14 years ago
  • Bubz

    @Saulius, how does it feel to have transitioned to a system that offers you no flexibility over upgrades, their prices, and licenses?

    You’re obviously trying to make early adopters happy by dropping the price for them but you’re also giving late adopters a free pass to this discount. The early adopter’s upgrade discount also becomes the late adopter’s ticket to Pixelmator 2.0. MAS gives you no flexibility.

    IMO, this was a wrong move by the Pixelmator Team. Of course, like many other companies that grow greedy, you won’t give a damn about the early adopters that are left in the dust while you rake in the cash from the new users.

    I know you love Apple very much and have trouble finding faults with the company… but I urge you to give feedback to Apple about the lack of flexibility. If you feel like there is none, so be it.

    Of course, 3rd-party software can be detected by the Mac App Store… I’d like to hear your take on this.

    14 years ago
  • Duffman

    “I am really disapointed by this policy. Basically new users can get 1.x AND 2.0 versions for just 24 € whereas previous users will have paid in total 59 € + 24 € = 83 € for the same thing. Weird way to thank early users…”

    Exactly. Thanks for the people that give you them money not long ago by totally screwing them. Should have never bought this app …

    They won’t have my money anymore.

    14 years ago
  • linusr

    Well, so I had to book loss purchasing Pixelmator.. well done guyz

    14 years ago
  • xfodder

    whats the complaining about? $29 dollars is a great deal for upgrade to 2.0 … even without the appstore sooner or later everyone would have to pay for the upgrade anyway … im pretty sure that the upgrade to 2.0 was put in place FOR existing users, but there is no way to separate existing and new users so everyone gets the same deal … and besides, its a limited time offer so it wont be ALL new users … i suggest you stop complaining and grab the deal before you miss it.

    I have to say its a very generous offer … $29 dollars for an upgrade … thank you pixelmator team 🙂

    14 years ago
  • Nathan

    I can appreciate the reasoning behind this

    But why no 1.6.4 upgrade for exisiting users? Are we going to be left lagging behind the app store version all the way to 2.0 so that it doesn’t detect we already have pixelmator installed?

    I expected to pay for 2.0 anyway (but having bought pixelmator for $29 only 30 days ago I’m annoyed people buying for that price today will be getting the 2.0 upgrade)

    One more question – will the app store pixelmator include all 2.X upgrades? At what version will the app store pixelmator stop being upgraded? Also, do you intend to increase the app store price in the near future?

    Hopefully you see these as legitimate questions, I think it is in your interest to be transparent with existing users.

    Cheers, Nathan

    14 years ago
  • Aidas Dailide

    Guys we do understand the situation but we still think it’s a great opportunity to make a transition to the Mac App Store (if you want to of course) and get Pixelmator 2.0 Upgrade when it comes out.
    I’ll try to explain why we’ve done this:

    1. There is no way to transfer current customers to the Mac App Store for free. Apple doesn’t allow that. If there was such a way we would definitely just give it for free.

    2. Why some applications show up as “Installed” and some not on the Mac App Store?
    If, for example, you have a fully licensed Pages version 4.0.4 installed on your computer while the latest on the Mac App Store is version 4.0.5 you won’t see the “Installed” – you will see “Buy Now”. If you manually update to 4.0.5 it will show up as “Installed” however that won’t count as the Mac App Store product and you won’t see when the update comes in the Mac App Store, all licensing stuff will be still there and once you reinstall your computer you will have to re-enter Pages license number. You can of course choose not to buy Pages through Mac App Store and just use it “the old way”.
    Nobody knew about this feature but it wouldn’t have changed anything.

    2. Why we did this transition thing?
    We believe that most of our customers will want to switch Pixelmator and most of their other applications to the Mac App Store. Since there is no way to do the switch for free we had to figure out some other way to do it. Since we’re planning to release a first paid upgrade to Pixelmator 2.0 (which by the way is going to be really great) later this year it was a perfect chance to do it.

    3. We’re still going to support and give free updates to customers who decide not to transition to the Mac App Store!

    I hope this makes the situation clearer. Please don’t hesitate to ask further questions if something is not clear.

    14 years ago
  • Johannes

    I purchased the very first version of Pixelmator and I don’t feel screwed by 24 Euro for an upgrade, if it’s worth it. But I do feel screwed by Apple, I paid 199 Euro for Aperture3 and now it’s only 63 Euro.

    14 years ago
  • Robert B.

    But I JUST bought Pixelmator on Aug 31st. 🙁

    14 years ago
  • Robert B.

    I meant Dec. 31st.

    14 years ago
  • DenisB

    I will just add to the frustration expressed above.

    Ok, $29 for the upgrade isn’t too bad. But it’s really not what we’re getting today. What we pay for today is to move the license into Mac App Store, and get a minor upgrade from 1.6.2 to 1.6.4 (as that update is currently not available outside the Mac App Store).

    And to add insult to the injury, we the long standing users of Pixelmator, who’ve promoted it as best we could are additionally snubbed off by having paid a lot more in total for the exact rights the people who pick up Pixelmator through MAS today are getting.

    I understand the other side of this, but as it stands it just doesn’t come off as a good deal at all. Especially when the details of 2.0 (date, featureset) aren’t more publicly known.

    Sorry, but this left a somewhat bad taste in my mouth.

    14 years ago
  • Bubz

    @ those saying that they don’t feel screwed by the upgrade price:

    The problem isn’t the upgrade price. The upgrade price is perfectly fine. What the problem is how late adopters are getting Pixelmator 2.0 for the price of the update.

    How is this hard to understand? I understand there are some early Pixelmator adopters that don’t give a crap if others are getting this sweet deal, but also try to understand the other side: that there are some early Pixelmator adopters that are fuming over the fact that they had to pay $50 + $30 to get 2.0 while some people can simply get 2.0 for $30.

    The problem lies with the way Apple offers zero flexibility. I’m sure a greater number of early adopters would be fine with the idea that they could pay $30 for the upgrade while new users would pay the full $50. Apple doesn’t offer this possibility to developers.

    In sense, it’s not the Pixelmator Team’s fault that Apple makes it impossible for them to provide this option. In another sense, it’s totally the Pixelmator Team’s fault for not at least offering a version of Pixelmator that isn’t shackled to MAS and it’s inflexible pricing system.

    14 years ago
  • Bubz

    To clarify that last sentence, I mean “It’s totally the Pixelmator Team’s fault for not at least offering a Pixelmator 2.0 that won’t be shackled to MAS and it’s inflexible pricing system.

    14 years ago
  • jlnr

    The whole calculation relies on Pixelmator 2, of which we know exactly nothing. You are expecting us to be very optimistic to not be pissed off. To contrast: The last update is rather dated and gave us invisible 64-bit support and Facebook integration.

    14 years ago
  • Rodrigo

    The solution is simple, guys: iTunes gift codes to all registered users! It’s a real pain in the ass to realize I’ve spent US$ 60 on your software and now I can’t have the App Store version…

    14 years ago
  • effgee

    Aidas Dailide Says: “… 1. There is no way to transfer current customers to the Mac App Store for free. Apple doesn’t allow that. If there was such a way we would definitely just give it for free. …”

    This is NOT TRUE!

    App Store.app automatically recognizes ALL installed software from ANY vendor as long as the version number on the user’s hard drive is identical to the one distributed in the app store.

    If you think you need to fleece your users for an upgrade from 1.6.2 to 1.6.4 – fine, that’s your decision (and one I sure will not support). But please do not hide behind made-up “facts”.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    that DOES NOT transfer customers to the Mac App Store. That just says that the app is in the Applications folder. You are not nor will be able to update it through the Mac App Store.

    14 years ago
  • Robert B.

    This is the last thing I’m saying. I understand if I have been using Pixelmator since the beginning. But I just spent money on it a few days ago. I’m not spending a dime more on this app for a long while. It bothers me that I am being punished for spending my hard earned money on it when I could have just bought it today and been happy. So by the time 2.0 comes out, I hope you all will have a better answer than sorry.

    14 years ago
  • Nathan

    will the app store pixelmator include all 2.X upgrades? At what version will the app store pixelmator stop being upgraded? Also, do you intend to increase the app store price in the near future?

    14 years ago
  • Jerod

    Two questions regarding 2.0 and this $29 transition thing:

    1) What will 2 cost for those not transitioning?

    2) If you can’t move people into the App Store (free install) on 1, how can you accomplish free installs for 2?

    14 years ago
  • jake

    I’m disappointed. I would rather have the new user pay for the same price as the early adopter paid. When the 2.0 release, the new user pay 29 for upgrade, the early adopter can then buy 2.0 update from Macappstore (meaning move to the store when 2.0 release). Of cos, u need to figure out the way to recognize the early adopter. In this case, I think real mac software handle Courier app transition better!

    I would also like to know ur take on how come other 3rd party app shows as installed.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    Apart from the gripes stated above, there is one more thing that has not been mentioned so far. There are quite a few People out there (Including myself) that do not want to pay directly by credit/Debit cards (Even though they say they use industry standard encryption, and it’s a one-off input into your account information), and only do online transactions using PayPal. That option is currently unavailable on The Mac App Store.

    14 years ago
  • Marcus

    Okay, I think, I got it. I understand it. 29,- € for an Upgrade is fine.

    I will buy the Appstore-Version.

    14 years ago
  • jake

    and i forgot… paying the $29 for free upgrade to 2.0 (coming later this year).. is like asking me to pay for something that I have no idea what I’m paying for..

    14 years ago
  • Marcus

    Okay, I bought the Appstore-Version. Works fine (It costs only 24€). First I thought I had to delete my old Pixelmator-Version, but this wasn’t necessary. Nice.

    14 years ago
  • Michael

    To all the complainers here, if you are so upset at Pixelmator, why don’t you just buy Photoshop? See how you like Adobe’s upgrade policies. I can’t imagine so many people getting so upset about $30.

    If you just bought a version of Pixelmator, and you aren’t sure how good the update will be, you have one simple option: Just keep using the old version! There is no law that you must update.

    14 years ago
  • Robert B.

    I did buy PhotoShop.

    14 years ago
  • Kerry

    You guys are looking into this way too much. Most software developers require a new purchase going from major updates 1 to 2, 2 to 3 for example. For EVERYONE this is a good deal. You get 2.0 for $30 instead of $60+. Now I understand for those that purchased in the last month that you get ripped because you are the most recent purchasers of 1x. However, you would still have to purchase the new 2.0 update at $60+ (If the $30 sale was not there).

    And also… IT’S A LIMITED SALE! Pixelmator has been on sale before. I got it from Amazon 2 months ago NEW, for $17.

    Now with the 1.6.4 and 1.6.2… Of course the version in the app store is not the same that is currently released in by retail. Give it some time and I’m sure the retail purchasers will get the 1.6.4 update as they have also stated that all 1x users get free 1x updates. I’m sure you can wait another few days or weeks. It’s not going to kill you or change how you use it from yesterday to today.

    14 years ago
  • effgee

    Saulius Dailide,

    You are right, I was wrong – 100%. While the apps do indeed show up as “installed” they don’t seem to update automatically (thanks, Apple). Too bad for Pixelmator as neither I nor any of my family members or colleagues will follow this forced upgrade path. In the end none of us care whose “fault” this debacle is – Apple’s or that of the Pixelmator team. Regardless of promises – we simply won’t be duped into buying the same software twice.

    In the meantime, I’ll stick with Photoshop. I might stop by/repurchase/upgrade sometime after v. 2 has been released, but who knows what might have happened by then.

    Bit of a pity …

    14 years ago
  • Aidas

    We’ve thoroughly discussed other options before coming up with the transition:
    1. Release Pixelmator for the full price at the Mac App Store. The obvious disadvantage is that it would be very expensive to transition to the Mac App Store.
    2. Release Pixelmator for free or some very low price. We would probably get thousands angry of e-mails from users who purchased for the full price.

    This is how we came up with the current plan – $29 and free 2.0 upgrade. We’ve thought it’s a great idea.

    14 years ago
  • Alan / Falcon

    Too much confusion and too many complainers on this thread. I wanted to chime in and say thanks to the Pixelmator team – I understand the situation, and I’m very grateful that you’ve chosen to allow this upgrade path for me as an existing customer. I can’t wait to learn more about 2.0!

    14 years ago
  • Rab C

    This feels like bad karma. Sorry. I realise the App Store is the future and offers benefits, but I can’t help feel surprised with the love being shown here for a system that is less than perfect.

    The solution would seem to be to offer existing users some sort of discount voucher surely? Apple don’t allow that? (I’ve no idea??) But if not, I’d be asking Apple why not!

    As a general point, if the only way to upgrade to a new version of a piece of software via the App Store is to buy the whole thing again (i.e. no upgrade path for existing customers), then I for one will be giving more consideration to when I upgrade and in all likelihood hanging onto my ‘old’ software longer.

    This argument is going to run and run and run. The fanboys will repeat their approval and the disgruntled theirs, ad infinitum. 🙂

    14 years ago
  • Duffman

    “‘Johannes Says:

    I purchased the very first version of Pixelmator and I don’t feel screwed by 24 Euro for an upgrade, if it’s worth it. But I do feel screwed by Apple, I paid 199 Euro for Aperture3 and now it’s only 63 Euro.”

    Yeah, you don’t feel screwed when OTHERS get fucked, but you feel screwed when YOU are by Apple.
    Happy Apple have lower the price.

    BTW what makes people angry is that the version 2.0 is given to new buyer on Mac App Store. If they didn’t offer anything to new customers, old ones would not be angry …

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    you are not at all forced to purchase the app twice – you get the Mac App Store benefits and 2.0 upgrade for purchasing it. Even more, if you are not purchasing you get all the Pixelmator 1.X updates that are coming for free. What else could we do for you to enjoy the Mac App Store?

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide

    Here is what Panic developers say about the issue on their blog:

    Developer Update: seems it’s all about the bundle ID. We used the same one for the Mac App Store build that we use from our own direct download build. So the Mac App Store thinks the app is installed, even if it’s a trial downloaded from our website. In some ways, actually, this is good for the customer — it prevents accidental or mistaken unnecessary re-purchases! But, it means you have to drag to trash if you want to purchase from the MAS. (I think Apple should use the bundle ID in conjunction with Apple ID purchase history to decide if the button should say “Buy” or not. And maybe if the Bundle ID matches but no purchase in their history, there’s a “Are you sure you need this?” dialog for safety.)

    More info:http://www.panic.com/blog/2011/01/panic-on-the-mac-app-store/

    14 years ago
  • Gregoire

    What you guys could have done is release the app full prize on the Mac App Store, and then to allow people to transition if they had previously bought the app, you could have told them :
    – Buy Pixelmator on the Mac App Store full prize
    – Show us the electronic receipt of your purchase and give us your Pixelmator license (from the first purchased version)
    – We give you back 60-30 = $30

    Then it would have been fair to everyone. Difficult for you ? I agree, but fair.

    14 years ago
  • David Aames

    The Mac App Store is the single worst idea in computing, in the modern era. Locked down, DRM, transitioning for the sole vehicle for software distribution/installation. Give me a break, Pixelmator will lose many users over this. Hope you’re happy.

    14 years ago
  • Nathan

    Saulius –

    I’m happy to pay the $29 if it includes all 2.X upgrades (ie. up to but not including 3.0), will this be the case?

    I assume once you reach 3.0 you’ll just release a ‘pixelmator 3’ on the mac app store or something similar (unless apple have sorted a more complex upgrade procedure by then)

    Is the $29 a limited-time offer? Or will I be able to get the same price on 2.0 if I wait until my current 1.X license expires?

    cheers, Nathan

    14 years ago
  • Marcus

    And what about the version on my Laptop? Do I have to pay for it also, if I would like to have the Appstore-Version (although I paid already for the the Version for my desktop-Computer)?

    14 years ago
  • OreoCookie

    I wanted to chime in with my 2 €-cents: I have no problem essentially paying 24 € for Pixelmator 2.0 (as a matter of fact, I just did). I got my license in September 2007 and I think it’s just fair to pay after so many free upgrades.

    However, you have not done a very good job explaining what people with a license should do (i. e. pay 24 € if you want to receive updates beyond 1.x). You could have explained the reasons as you did in the comments in a proper post so that everybody can easily find it.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    though it is too realy to talk about 2.0 updates we think those will be free.

    14 years ago
  • Fynn

    Guys, that’s a really good and more than fair offer for everyone. I really can’t comprehend all the complains I read here. If we’d talk about several hundreds of Dollar / EUR … ok, but this?

    I’m a happy bunny and just bought Pixelmator with pleasure (again) to do the transition to the AppStore and get 2.0 for free once it’s released. And yes, I paid $59,- for Pixelmator about 1 1/2 years ago.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    a single purchase will work just fine on two or more of your Macs. No need to purchase additional licenses.

    14 years ago
  • Ted Wood

    Apple should’ve held off launching the Mac App Store until the transition of pre-purchased apps could be handled more elegantly. I’m disappointed. But maybe my disappointment has more to do with the App Store just being another HTML website like the iTunes Store. For me, an element of “feel real” is missing. Buttons don’t feel like buttons.

    And what is with the Mac App Store’s window Close/Minimize/Zoom buttons? Why are they centered vertically in the toolbar????

    14 years ago
  • Mr C


    I believe you’ve made a serious blunder in not understanding your existing customer base. The last thing any company wants to do is adversely impact an existing customer base – and if the comments are representative, you’ve managed to alienate about half of that base.

    Now about the $29. It seems reasonable for an upgrade, but when is the upgrade? One month, six months? Sending you my money with an expectation of some future delivery is a bit tough.

    And what will be the upgrade cost if we wait until the release and will Apple actually have the capability to provide pricing levels for both new and upgraded products?

    Looks of unanswered questions.

    14 years ago
  • Marcus


    fine, but when I look in the Appstore (on my laptop) the button offers me only “23,99€ Buy”.

    Can I Take the risk of clicking the button ?

    14 years ago
  • Tudor

    Jerod asked a very good question and since there was no answer I’m asking it again:

    “If you can’t move people into the App Store (free install) on 1, how can you accomplish free installs for v.2?”

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    no no. You should simply log in with your account that you used to purchase apps before.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    we will post Pixelmator 2.0 on the Mac App Store as any other update out there. The only difference is that it is going to be free and a huge upgrade with many features and improvements.

    14 years ago
  • Roberto Mendosa

    I’m so pleased that Pixelmator includes Automator support that I bought a second copy from the store, as a way of saying “thank you” to the team. Put the extra money into coming up with some more Automator actions in future revs! Cheers.

    14 years ago
  • David Aames

    Why can’t Saulius Dailide get it through his thick skull that the majority of users DO NOT WANT the Mac App Store as their sole method for obtaining software. Give the people a choice when it comes to where they wish to obtain their software, upgrade paths, purchase method, etc. Taking a product that is supposed to cater towards users and forcing them to only obtain the product via one method seems draconian at best. Please stay in touch with the real world and stop living in the reality distortion field. Good day sir! I said, Good Day Sir!

    14 years ago
  • Nathan

    “though it is too realy to talk about 2.0 updates we think those will be free.”

    thanks for the reply Saulius. On that basis I think I’ll hold off for now and consider upgrading when Pixelmator is closer to 2.0

    I wouldn’t want to pay $29 now, upgrade to 2.0 when it’s released, and then find I have to pay another, undetermined, amount to get version 2.1.

    Please do let people know beforehand if you intend to put prices up in the future.

    14 years ago
  • Nathan

    “Why can’t Saulius Dailide get it through his thick skull that the majority of users DO NOT WANT the Mac App Store as their sole method for obtaining software”

    Seems like nonsense – I’m sure once initial problems are ironed out everyone will be more than happy with the app store. Pixelmator devs are following what is the most popular option.

    14 years ago
  • giuliano

    PixelMator 10th app most bought in the app store today. I would say the whiners are a (noisy) minority.

    14 years ago
  • David Aames


    Keep drinking the Kool-Aid…every last drop.

    Your Truly,


    14 years ago
  • Miles

    One question, how does a second install on a laptop work? Upgraded Mac Pro to 10.6.6 and paid for the upgrade, no issue with the deal on offer.

    But if, as I normally do, I want a copy on my MacBook, what’s the deal there? Firing up the App Store shows the ‘Buy’ button, which I assume will debit my account again if I proceed.

    14 years ago
  • Marcus

    ah, I have to look under “Einkäufe” (german for Purchases). Thanks.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    you should log-in with the same logi in order to download you copy and look for Purchases tab. Hope that helps.

    14 years ago
  • D. Pauw

    The only problem I see here is that there is no mention of this on the Mac App Store Pixelmator page. All you see is the standard blurb and the price. I’m okay with the new users buy now and get a free upgrade along with a cheap intro price because I bought Pixelmator so long ago (I’d probably be a little miffed if I bought Pixelmator a month ago if they aren’t offering refunds). In other words, the Pixelmator team’s only fault is that they are having communication issues (not the first time they’ve had this problem either). Only a minor problem.

    14 years ago
  • Mr C

    We are witnessing a future MBA class case study on how to adversely impact an existing business. Don’t loose sight of your competitors and their commercial strategies. Pixelmator is still a developing product that gained support based on value (code words for reasonable pricing for program content and features).

    So what is the planned price point for 2.0?

    14 years ago
  • effgee

    Saulius Dailide Says: What else could we do for you to enjoy the Mac App Store?

    Charge me for ‘features’, not ‘promises of future features’. I work hard for my money and as such I don’t spend it on bridges or promises.

    14 years ago
  • Tomi

    Oh well.. That was 45 euros completely wasted. If only I had known, I could have easily delayed my purchase until this release, because I didn’t have time to play with Pixelmator anyway.

    Your “exiting” solution that you, quite ironically, thought “everyone will love taking advantage of” is only making it worse. I don’t like paying 24 euros more just to give more control to closed and limited system. I don’t even know what will be in Pixelmator 2 yet, and I have a terrible feeling that the “for limited time” part of the offer translates to “expires well before there is any word on Pixelmator 2”.

    Whether all this is the fault of the Pixelmator team or Apple (although Apple certainly didn’t force Pixelmator team to only distribute their products through App Store) doesn’t really matter, as the fact remains: It doesn’t feel great to be an existing customer right now.

    14 years ago
  • lansylator

    Yet another PR nightmare for the Pixelmator team. I am still using Pixelmator 1.5.1 because the updates since then have been riddled with bugs. Finally 1.6.4 is here (hopefully with improvements) and I have to pay again to get the update? So what I want to know is:

    1 – When is 2.0 coming out?
    2 – What is the price going to be for 2.0?
    3 – Will I have to pay again for 2.1… 2.2… etc.
    4 – Where can I get the 1.6.4 update without going through the Mac App Store? You state: P.S. Even if you decide not to move to the Mac App Store, we will continue to provide you with free Pixelmator 1.X updates until version 2.0, just as promised.
    5 – Why should I pay for something when I do not know when I will get it, I do not know what the price will be and I do not know what will be included? You guys have made promises before and not come through. Why should your existing customers trust in your statements?

    I think the Pixelmator team just got way too excited about the Mac App Store and that clouded their decision making.

    I would really suggest you guys hire a true PR/Marketing specialist to advise you in these important decisions and polices. Right now you look very unprofessional.

    14 years ago
  • David Aames

    It’s fairly obvious that while Saulius Dailide & Co. may be excellent programmers, they’re absolutely terrible at business matters and customer relations. Perhaps if people just flat out stated they won’t continue to support the product while the company directs all energy towards the New World Order of Computing business model, maybe we’ll start to see some customer appreciation.

    14 years ago
  • radada

    Hey guys 😉
    Can you tell us at least how long will this “sale” be avaliable.
    BTW, when you’ll release pixelmator 2.0, you will certainly sale it at a lower price for existing users (an update licence), as opposed to new users buying the 2.0 from scratch right? That’s what most company does. Do you have an idea of the retail price and update price?

    14 years ago
  • David Aames

    Interesting factoid: Michael Jackson’s “They Don’t Care About Us” was very much inspired by Pixelmator Team Ltd.

    14 years ago
  • hawaiiano

    I’ve used Pixelmator from its humble beginnings. To pay $29 to upgrade to 2.0 later on? The answer’s simple. Absolutely I will. At $29, it’s a steal.

    Nobody’s forcing anybody to do anything. You don’t like it? Don’t buy it. You like it? Buy it. For me? Pixelmator rocks. It works. It keeps getting better. And, as a long time Photoshop user who’s had to suffer under brutal upgrade prices, Pixelmator is a breath of fresh air. Even if you’ve purchased it recently, $29 is still a bargain.

    Much aloha to the Pixelmator team.

    14 years ago
  • Miles

    Cheers, that looks as though it should work for installing on second Mac, but at the moment I’m getting an error message when I click ‘install’ on the MBA.

    ‘We could not complete your App Store request. An unknown error occurred (100).’

    Looks that that might be teething trouble with the App Store, I’ll try again later.

    14 years ago
  • Aidas

    Have you signed in with the same Apple ID on your second Mac?

    You could also try removing any older copies of Pixelmator on your second Mac and relaunching the Mac App Store application.

    14 years ago
  • Tom Malone

    Reading the terms and conditions of the Map App Store it suggest that apps installed through it are for non-comercial use. Does this mean I can’t use pixelmator for anything professionally?

    14 years ago
  • Aidas

    I highly doubt that – you can do anything you want.

    14 years ago
  • HiPhish

    So if I get it right, 2.0 will ONLY be avaiable vie App Store? Well that sucks, because I hate that sort of distribution, just as much as I hate buying games on Steam. I understand that the App Store makes a lot of things easier for YOU, but recounting my experience with Steam it has made things only more comlicated for ME.
    Pixelmator is good enough for me just as it is, so there is no need for me to get involved in some DRM infested disaster. If you had at least given me the choice whether to purchase from the App Store or not, I would have considered upgrading. Well, at least I get my 1.x updates.

    For all the whiners here, I really don’t get it. If you guys buy something from the local store and find it a week later at 50% discount, do you complain there? It’s just a limited time special offer.

    14 years ago
  • RichMacSoftware

    Just to add, the $29 App Store price IS a GOOD IDEA. I just purchased it. Early adopters get to use great software early – that’s your only reward – there’s no cost savings – typically early adopters always pay more – your current complaints sound childish. I suppose your other reward is all the gloating you’ve been doing about being an “early adopter”.

    14 years ago
  • Miles

    ‘Have you signed in with the same Apple ID on your second Mac?’


    ‘You could also try removing any older copies of Pixelmator on your second Mac and relaunching the Mac App Store application.’

    Nope, that’s not the issue. I currently get the same error with a newly purchased app which has never been on the MBA. So it definitely seems to be an App Store glitch rather than something specific to Pixelmator.

    14 years ago
  • Daniel

    Recent on twitter:

    “For those not ready to bite the bullet now, will this deal appear again when 2.0 is released?”
    pixelmator: no, the deal is up just for now

    “I can understand the users who bought Pixelmator last week though. They have been bribed big time.”
    “On the other hand those people who bought Pixelmator recently for a higher price could have known about the App Store.”

    14 years ago
  • Jonathan

    All this hopped-up complaining is exactly the same as the wailing and gnashing of teeth you hear from the same kinds of people after every Keynote.

    OMG I JUST BOUGHT my MacBook/MacBookPro/iMac/MacPro/XServe/MacMini/iPod/AppleTV/iPad/iPhone yesterday at midnight and now Closed/BigBrother/Overlord/NewWorldOrder/ControlFreak/KoolAidMan Steve Jobs has released a new one at lower prices.

    Now I will definitely be going back to the Wonderful/Open/RollingHillsBlueSkiesBunnyFilledMeadow of Windows/Adobe/Linux/Android/RiM/Palm[ohNoesNVM]

    This is not a personal attack on you; it’s just business. You think it’s so tough? Then look around, people.

    This is not perfect, but Apple has never claimed to be perfect, only engineers. They have had many teething problems in the past across all products both hardware and software that have been continually looked at and adjusted – first one way, then the other.
    Always dialling in the PURSUIT of perfection.

    They get all the arrows in their hide because they are the only ones pushing the cutting edge.
    Everyone – EVERYONE else simply waits to see what Apple does so that they can [attempt to] copy them, neatly avoiding this particular flavor of criticism.

    Just one timely example would be the CES 2011 announcement of the Microsoft Touch Mouse.
    So that’s great, right? A mere twenty months late and ten dollars more than the Magic Mouse.

    Watch and see. There WILL be a Windows App Store. Just like there HAS BEEN an App World, Ovi Store, Android Marketplace et al.

    Getting back to the core point: early adopters in any field also live on the bleeding edge. Apart from the intangibles of bragging rights and the excitement of trying out new stuff, think back to why you did it in the first place. In Pixelmator’s specific case, it’s likely related to thinking that Photoshop wasn’t worth the cost in comparison – otherwise you would have bought that instead.

    That line of reasoning still stands with PLENTY of room to spare.

    14 years ago
  • ChristOff

    OK so to sum it up here are the questions requiring answers for ranting users:
    – what about 2.0? what? when? (if you expect me to buy something before it’s available, then at least show me what I can hope)
    – what about the price availability? 29$ is somewhat honest for an upgrade, but do I need to buy it right now? If I’m not convinced about invisible super-features of 2.0 and want to wait ’till I see more, let’s say until 2.0 is out and tested by an independent website, when 2.0 is out will I have to buy it for anything more than 29$?
    – what about 1.6.4? As “all 1.X updates will be for free” but we still aren’t allowed to download it anywhere

    ’till now and with provided details, you want us to buy something we can’t know what it’s about.

    Thanks for answering

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    One more thing. Has the ‘Download the demo for thirty days’ option been discontinued? I cannot see that option on the app store.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    – we can not comment 2.0 yet since our goals are to surprise and delight our customers – that’s exactly what version 2.0 will do.
    – you don’t need to buy the app for $29 now – there still will be plenty of free, very nice updates for Pixelmator 1.X. However the transition to the Mac App Store will end sooner or later, but we will definitely announce that on our website.
    – 1.6.4 will be available as a free update in a few days – we are still working to keep up with the Mac App Store and haven’t had time to prepare version 1.6.4 for a public, non-Mac App Store release.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    it is still there – click download link (not Buy) anywhere on our website to get the 30-day trial.

    14 years ago
  • Nathan

    “However the transition to the Mac App Store will end sooner or later, but we will definitely announce that on our website.”

    Saulius – sorry, just to confirm, you’ll be letting us know before putting the price for 2.0 above $29?

    14 years ago
  • Troye

    Is the 30 day trial 1.6 or 1.6.4?

    14 years ago
  • Tomi

    Saulius Dailide:
    “we can not comment 2.0 yet since our goals are to surprise and delight our customers – that’s exactly what version 2.0 will do.”

    Wow, that’s a wicked way to sell an update. Jesus..

    Nothing personal, but $29 dollars for a software update, or in fact anything at all, you know absolutely nothing about is asking a bit much. So I hope you understand why some people are less than amused about this deal.

    14 years ago
  • Ruben

    That’s great! But, unsure that’ll be a way to go to ‘buy’ Pixelmator again just to upgrade it like how Adobe has been doing from CS to CS5, Elements, and Autodesk with their Sketchbook Pro to 2011.
    Pixelmator is the best software for a Mac cause the way how it works on a Mac, not using so much for the hardware, but running natively on the MacOSX which is far better than how Adobe made their Photoshop for Macs. I have been counting on Pixelmator a lot and only. Photoshop, neh not a program to go cause it’s too expensive.

    Is the updating Pixelmator will still be the same as how it was before than what I’m seeing?
    I am still using Pixelmator 1.5.1 cause I’m not using the right Mac. I’m running on G4 but hopefully I’ll move onto the MacPro Intel to run the 1.6.4 I bought Pixelmator at version 1.5 and I couldn’t continue to 1.6 Same reason, my hardware.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    # Saulius Dailide Says:
    January 6th, 2011 at 10:11 pm


    it is still there – click download link (not Buy) anywhere on our website to get the 30-day trial.

    Could this be stated on your app store page? As there could be some people who find Pixelmator from there and would not be aware of this.

    14 years ago
  • Ruben

    Oh ok, thanks! I don’t have the App store ‘yet’ till I get a MacPro intel, I’m stuck with OS 10.5.8.

    14 years ago
  • elean

    Paying Customer.

    This would have been the was to go:
    PM1 for the same price on MAS.
    PM2 as a seperate, new, payed Version (in the beginning) for 29$ and then, after a few days raise the price.

    So current Users don’t need to rebuy the old software. I know, it’s basically the same, but current users dont “feel” ripped off!

    14 years ago
  • ChristOff

    @Saulius Dailide

    First, thanks to take the time to answer.

    So ’till announcement of price change on the website or by mail (I hope not to have to harvest blog daily to get the information – to be honest I never came here before), nothing change, but older user will be a little bit delayed for updates (at least for this one), OK no problem.

    To come back to point 2 and 1; once you will make the decision to adapt the price on MAS (a little bit before would be better 😉 ), will the new 2.0 be available as a preview? I know appstore doesn’t allow preview/beta/demo but will we have a preview of features expected at this time?

    I really dislike the feeling to buy a pig in a poke, although I can trust Pixelmator team to do great work, but if you can guarantee to come up with useful informations/details when old-registered users can still benefit of upgrading cost, then this feeling will be gone.

    14 years ago
  • Jakub

    I don’t like the idea of transition to MAS. I don’t need to do any transition as I already own the app. Asking current users to pay again for the software they already paid for is laughable. If you want people to ‘upgrade’ to 2.0 you should keep the low MAS price until 2.0 is released. Your statement that people should pay for Pixelmator again because the current MAS price is introductory only and will be raised shortly, sounds more like blackmail than a serious business offer.

    14 years ago
  • hamsta

    LMAO over all you people complaining!

    You paid a maximum of $59 for 1.x version. If the Mac app store didn’t exist you would still be paying for 2.x. With this deal you pay $29 for 2.x. If you step back and breathe you will realize that this is a great deal for this level of software.

    Thanks for the entertainment!

    14 years ago
  • hamsta

    Regarding existing apps that show up as installed.

    Apps that use the same bundle ID for both the Mac App Store and non-App Store versions, the Mac App Store will not install updates to already-installed non-App Store versions.

    14 years ago
  • Agos

    The offers is not a scam, but a sincere way of the authors to try to make everyone happy about the (not very easy) transition. Still, I won’t be paying money now for future software which hasn’t a release date, especially given PixelMator’s behavior regarding updates (complete silence, and some teasing) and bugfixing (complete ignoring). When 2.0 hits, we’ll see.

    14 years ago
  • hamsta

    Just returned from the MAS. Congrats to you Pixelmator Elves for your placement on the Featured Apps section. Nice!

    14 years ago
  • NickT

    Hey Pixelmator Team…

    I can see you’ve been caught in a hard place. I wouldn’t have any problem paying the $29US for an upgrade, however, being in Australia, it isn’t $29US at all. We’ve been at parity with US for a while now, yet Apple’s conversion is ridiculous.. we’re having to pay about 20% MORE than the ‘real’ converted price:

    Pixelmator transition: $29US
    Bought via credit card would be: $29-30AU
    Bought on Mac App Store: $37AU

    Obviously, this isn’t just an issue with Pixelmator, but please hear me when I say, I’m not going to update any program via Mac App Store when there is that much difference on prices. I hope v2.0 will be purchasable from your web site.

    14 years ago
  • Nathan

    Hamsta – “You paid a maximum of $59 for 1.x version. If the Mac app store didn’t exist you would still be paying for 2.x. With this deal you pay $29 for 2.x. If you step back and breathe you will realize that this is a great deal for this level of software.”

    FYI they haven’t said you’ll get 2.X, only 2.0. (see post 61)

    Conceivably, 2.1 could be a further paid upgrade (they could release a pixelmator 2 to the MAS for example, where 2.0 (or 2.0.1 or similar) is the end-point of the existing MAS app)

    I bought Pixelmator only 30 days ago so I’m a bit disappointed my licence won’t extend to 2.0 like people buying from the MAS.

    However – I’m happy to pay for the 2.0 upgrade, I just want some kind of guarantee that I won’t have to buy a third time to get 2.X upgrades. If someone told me my $29 would get me all upgrades to 2.9.9 (and that a few of the existing bugs will get fixed) I’d happily buy it today.

    There are other issues concerning 2.0 release date, feature set etc. but I can ignore these because I have a decent level of trust in the pixelmator team.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    I am going to hold back on moving to the app store until version 2 comes out and see what if offers. I will still get all the updates until version 2. They have got to offer it as an upgrade price to existing users anyway. (Well, that’s what they promised earlier last year).

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    Not exactly a promise, but implied.

    “That depends on how long it will take before we release 2.0. But I’m sure that people that have bought 1.6 will have to buy 2.0, most likely for a special upgrade price.”

    14 years ago
  • Marcel

    Hi Pixelmator Team,

    I can understan your decision to Move Pixelmator to to Appstore. I bought Pixelmator a few month ago and i really like it althout I didn’t use it so much.
    Before I would buy it again in the Appstore I would really like to know if all 2.x Upates are included? You never answered this question in this comment section. You only wrote that the update to 2.0 is included.

    Mabe you can comment this

    14 years ago
  • Simon

    The policy is unfair for the existing and faithful users, it is very frustrating.

    I suggest that it is good for you guys provide “coupons” when the old user purchasing it from app store.

    14 years ago
  • hamsta

    Nathan, I totally understand. I’m thinking of 2.0 updates as reflecting the current policy, which is the whole 1.x line is free updates. If Pixelmator does change to charging for point upgrades after 2.0 that still wouldn’t have anything to do with the Mac App Store. It is a totally different issue as they could do the same thing without the MAS.

    14 years ago
  • hamsta

    Simon, I am an existing and faithful user and would ask to be excluded from your generalization. 😀

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    we plan to keep it the same with 2.X updates – free til 3.0.

    14 years ago
  • Hans-Jörg Stangor

    Regarding the issue for existing users:
    I noticed that some software tools (even Non-Apple-Tools) simply say “installed”. THINGS is one example. I had to update one more time over
    the standard update way from inside the program, and afterwards it was shown as being installed in the AppStore. Also BBEdit seems to be able to connect the App for existing users and explain how to do it if that fails on their website.

    Not complaining, the price is more than okay. But i guess that the ones
    that now pay the appstore price for transition will complain even more if a way is found to connect the licences later.

    Given that you want to go AppStore only: Why release something from the 1.x trail there and not wait to go to AppStore until a 2.0 version is ready?

    One more question: When will the feature list of version 2.0 be announced and when is the software due roughly? Will the reduced price
    stay until 2.0 is released? When will it go up? Shortly after release of 2.0? Before 2.0? Some days after announcing the feature set?

    Without these answers i simply cannot decide whether it is clever to buy now or still wait… a hassle that new customers don’t have: They simply buy now of course. And that’s what feels unfair: The lack of information for existing customers.

    14 years ago
  • Duffman

    “- 1.6.4 will be available as a free update in a few days – we are still working to keep up with the Mac App Store and haven’t had time to prepare version 1.6.4 for a public, non-Mac App Store release.”
    Great, not only early adopters have to pay more, but if they don’t, they have updates later than new ones …

    14 years ago
  • gamrcobe

    Wow…I bought a pizza for $29 the other night and…it’s gone. But I can sit down with Pixelmator every night and create beautiful things, thousands of hours, infinite possiblities and I didn’t drop $900! Put down the pitchforks and torches, you who are complaining have wasted more than $29 on useless crap in the past and probably will in the future. So here’s my advice, skip going out to eat for one night, spend a whole $29 OMG! on the App store version and enjoy the ride…or use your amazing power of free will and don’t.

    MMMmmmmm this kool-aid is good.

    14 years ago
  • Chris Peden

    I think the pixelmator folks are missing the point some what. Pricing complaints aside, what about those of us who simply do not want to use the App Store. I personally don’t feel compelled to use it thus far and am going to try and avoid using it actually. I like it on my phone but I like more control on my desktop.

    It can’t be that difficult to keep a traditional channel open for purchases of your software. Seems like you would want to so that you didn’t lose any sales period.

    14 years ago
  • Alex

    I like both apps and all but, how much will the update to 2.x be, for pre app store Pixelmators? 😀

    14 years ago
  • Erwin Heiser

    “It can’t be that difficult to keep a traditional channel open for purchases of your software. Seems like you would want to so that you didn’t lose any sales period.”

    Have to agree with Chris, right now it feels like you’re putting all your eggs in one basket. Not quite sure how I feel about this, I’ll probably wait until Pixelmator 2 comes out to make a decision.

    Right now it just feels like buying an app I already own.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    we believe that the Mac App Store is the best user experience (intallation, updates, info, etc.) for our customers. That’s why we focus on the Mac App Store.

    14 years ago
  • TwisterMc

    Wow, there are a lot of comments here. I apologize if you’ve already answered this above, but what will Pixelmator 2.0 offer?

    I’m fine with the upgrade policy, but it’s hard to pay for an upgrade when there is no indication of what I’ll be getting. What are the new features?

    Getting information on what Pixelmator 2.0 will make the upgrade decision much easier. Much like Apple is telling us about 10.7 before it’s ready to go. Show us some of the new awesomeness. 🙂

    14 years ago
  • j

    I think a lot of people would have been more comfortable if the transition to the Mac App Store happened at the same time as the 2.0 upgrade. As it stands, we don’t really know what we’re buying.

    If we decide to wait until more details are out about 2.0, is the price going to be the same?

    14 years ago
  • DoctorB

    Re-purchase was a no brainer for me. The best REAL-Mac graphics editor available. Looking forward to 2.0. Keep up the great work guys!

    14 years ago
  • Janio

    Like everybody I feel dumb since I primarily bought pixelmator because the software is good and I would like to encourage the developers to keep the good work. I am a hard user of this kind of software but I felt really bad with this decision of leave behind the current users and give this gift (extra discount + upgrade) to newcomers.

    Before you say this is the way the Mac App store works I also bought IGG’s IBank recently and everything worked fine. The Mac App Store recognize the application and tag it as installed and it seems as I had bought through the Mac App Store. Thanks IGG.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    the Mac App Store may show a non-Mac App Store purchased software as “Installed”, but you will not get Mac App Store updates for that app unless you purchase from the Mac App Store. That is the case with every single app out there. We just did prepare our app right for the Mac App Store.

    14 years ago
  • Kilian Muster


    Now you start fucking us over just as the music industry does. Pixelmator 29$ at the AppStore. Unless, of course you’re on of the poor idiots living in Japan or owning a Japanese credit card then it’s ¥3,500 (41$).


    14 years ago
  • Dan

    You guys are a trip. I too bought Pixelmator 1.x last year and at first felt like, “they want me to pay twice for the same thing??!!” But then I took a moment and looked at the situation.

    You aren’t paying for 1.x again, you are paying for 2.0. You would have paid for 2.0 anyway as it was not going to be a free upgrade. If this is an issue of trust, trusting that the Pixelmator Team will deliver a good product for 2.0, all you have to do is look at their track record of delivering a solid application throughout the 1.x lifetime- with free updates. You guys KNOW they aren’t taking the money and running, you KNOW they will deliver a great program. And it only costs you $29!

    Where this goes sour for the Pixelmator Team is that the complainers feel like somebody else is getting something better than them. “I already paid $30 for this, now some jerk is going to come along and get 2.0 for $30 too, while I will have to pay another $30 to get it myself!” Hey, that’s how major version software works. Should the guy who bought Photoshop 1.0 and every upgrade since be furious that some jackoff came along today and got CS5 for a fraction of what he paid over the last 2 decades? By the complainers’ logic, absolutely!

    If you quit worrying about what somebody else is getting and instead think about what you yourself are getting, you’ll realize that this is a steal. You aren’t paying any more than you would have paid otherwise, and new users coming late to the party are still paying exactly the same as they would have. Nobody is getting screwed, not even the people who bought 1.6 a week ago. If they didn’t know 2.0 was coming and wouldn’t be a free upgrade, then they were living under a rock.

    @Saulius Put these guys’ minds at ease and tell them if the $29 price will still be there at the release of 2.0 or not. You don’t have to give away any new features, only what the price will be. If it is going to go back up to the $60 it was a couple of years ago, then existing users probably want to know that so they can take advantage of the “upgrade pricing” now while it’s still there.

    To everybody else, it’s still a fraction of the cost of bloated old Photoshop for a significant percentage of the features. And it loads in less than a second. It’s $20 cheaper than Acorn, which also is in the same situation with upgrades. If you really don’t think Pixelmator is a steal, go spend your $29 elsewhere, and see how far it gets you.

    14 years ago
  • Dan

    See, Janio illustrates my point exactly. He thinks new users are getting something he didn’t get himself. No they didn’t, they’re paying for 2.0 just like you would’ve.

    14 years ago
  • Dan

    Kilian, if that’s how it is with you, I doubt they care if they lost you. Blame your conversion rate, not Pixelmator Team. They aren’t getting any more money out of the transaction from you than from any other country. You just want it even cheaper than anyone else.

    14 years ago
  • Tudor

    @Dan: “You would have paid for 2.0 anyway as it was not going to be a free upgrade. If this is an issue of trust, trusting that the Pixelmator Team will deliver a good product for 2.0, all you have to do is look at their track record of delivering a solid application throughout the 1.x lifetime- with free updates.”

    I don’t question the quality of the work done by the Pixelmator team so far. Pixelmator is an awesome application and I am confident v 2.0 will be great. But I am not sure it will fit my needs though. For me Pixelmator 1.6.4 lacks three things that make me go back to Photoshop for serious work (layer effects, vector shapes and better text controls). If v 2.0 will not have those (or equivalent) features I will not be able to use it, no matter how great other features will be. That’s the reason why some of us are reluctant to buy the Mac App Store application at this moment.

    That being said, I’ve just paid for the Mac App Store “upgrade”. I guess I still believe that Pixelmator will someday be a true Photoshop and Fireworks killer for web design.

    14 years ago
  • Moes

    Hi Pixelmator team,

    I won’t buy Pixelmator 1.x from the MAS, as I bought it a few weeks ago. But could you tell us how much will the version 2.0 cost ?
    I like your app very much and I’m ready to pay for a V 2.0 through the MAS, but I want to be sure I don’t have to buy V 1.0 twice to make sure I have a better price.

    14 years ago
  • Barry

    My main issue, along with many others, is not knowing what improvements version 2.0 will include. We are stuck with knowing this “sale” price won’t last, yet you are asking us to pay for version 2.0 early without telling us what improvements will be made- therefore giving us no indication as to wether it is worth shelling out more money. I am happy with version 1.6.2 and so before spending another £18 GBP on the same version (1.6.4 to be released soon to non-MAS users) I need to know if it’s going to be worth it.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if I knew the price will stay the same once 2.0 is released, as I will happily wait till then before deciding.

    14 years ago
  • Barry

    Just to clarify what I said above, it seems the Pixelmator team are assuming everyone will want to pay for an upgrade to version 2.0, when in fact that may not be the case. Like i said, I am happy with version 1.x. So before I pay £18, I need to know if version 2.0 will be worth paying for, by knowing what it improves on. And I shouldn’t be punished for waiting till its release by having to pay a higher price than it is now.

    14 years ago
  • Tomi

    “If you quit worrying about what somebody else is getting and instead think about what you yourself are getting, you’ll realize that this is a steal. You aren’t paying any more than you would have paid otherwise, and new users coming late to the party are still paying exactly the same as they would have. Nobody is getting screwed, not even the people who bought 1.6 a week ago.”

    Now, that isn’t quite right is it?

    It’s pretty safe to assume that there would have been an upgrade plan (i.e. pay less if you have already bought Pixelmator 1) for all the existing users if it hadn’t been for the App Store shift, as similar offer exists for pretty much every commercial application. Saulius has already said that the App Store price won’t be $29 anymore when version 2.0 comes out. This means that it will likely be $49 (or something like that) again at that point.

    Now, the clever part is that since App Store won’t even let you transfer your pre-MAS purchase into MAS, it surely won’t allow for this kind of upgrade plan for those users either. In other words, you would have likely payed less for the 2.0 upgrade if MAS shift hadn’t happened than now (unless, of course, you are willing to buy the upgrade RIGHT NOW essentially paying for something you know absolutely nothing about).

    The really nasty part is that App Store doesn’t seem to support paid upgrades AT ALL. Essentially this means that EVERY USER, whether the previous purchase was through the website or MAS, has to pay full price (whatever that turns out to be) for Pixelmator 3.0. It is again pretty safe to assume that, if it hadn’t been for the Mac App Store, there would have been an upgrade deal for, at least, the shift from 2.0 to 3.0. So essentially yes, yes you are paying more than you would have otherwise.

    14 years ago
  • Justin

    I am not upset about the price or having to purchase the software a second time the price is fine. I have a problem with what I thought pixelmator was about. I bought this software because I was tired of Adobe and pixelmator was a rebellion that good software could overcome the bloated giants! Instead you jump on the DRM bandwagon of Apple and leave others behind. I DO NOT want all my app purchases tied to Apple. This is insane! You the little guy made it in but what happens when this becomes the only way to buy software on the mac? When Apple decides that this is the way to go and drops any other type of software installation, what happens to the little guy that doesn’t make it in? You are giving over control to “big brother” and hoping they make the decisions that make sense for you company. What happens when they change the rules? I hope you make it…

    14 years ago
  • Aidas

    We’re going to post a FAQ about the Mac App Store and Pixelmator 2.0 next week. Keep your questions coming!

    Pixelmator 2.0 will be free for the Mac App Store purchasers. That’s what all the transition thing is all about – you can switch to the Mac App Store right now (if you want to of course) and get 2.0.

    14 years ago
  • Paul Johnson


    I buy software like yours at full price because I feel it is only fair to pay. I bought your software for £40, I could have got it from an illegal source. Additionally you have promised to provide updates up til 2.x for 1.x license owners on your forum.

    You have been mentioning about version 2.x since early last year. How do we actually know there is ever going to be a version 2.x.

    It seems at present you are just trying to cash in on your existing ( was loyal ) fanbase.

    I wish I had bought an Adobe competitor now like elements, at least they have a reliable upgrade path.

    Paul Johnson

    14 years ago
  • JC

    Please note how the guys from Pixelmater have not answered questions about or commented on the normal price of 2.x, how long will the reduced price stay and whether they will announce the price change soon enough. And no word why people should buy an option for upgrading from 1.x. That’s like buying a feature on stock market (and I though we learned that lessen in the last few years).

    Most People aren’t pissed off because of $29.00 but because of the lousy information flow (on purpose!?). Me personally? I am pissed off because of your mail from sooner today telling all existing customers how great that MAS deal is – even when there is no information on 2.x. Like I said: It’s an option to an unknown product. And I don’t buy options. I buy real software.

    14 years ago
  • JC

    Make that “future on stock market” – not “feature” in my last post.

    14 years ago
  • Tomi

    “Pixelmator 2.0 will be free for the Mac App Store purchasers. That’s what all the transition thing is all about – you can switch to the Mac App Store right now (if you want to of course) and get 2.0.”

    Yes, of course, that should be clear to anyone at this point.

    The problem is that there won’t or in fact can’t be an upgrade deal for non-MAS purchasers (this $29.00 deal cannot in all honesty be considered as such because 2.0 hasn’t even been announced yet). In the previous post, I was talking about the updates beyond 2.0. Because of the Mac App Store policies you can’t provide upgrade deals to ANY Pixelmator users, non-MAS or MAS purchasers alike, for the future 3.0 milestone (and beyond). I know as little about Pixelmator 3 as I know about Pixelmator 2, and in the worst case I will have to pay three times the full price for the software within, say, a year and a half just to keep Pixelmator updated.

    Or can you confirm that Pixelmator 3 will be free for current MAC purchasers as well or that Apple will definitely have changed its policies regarding paid upgrades by the time it comes out?

    Yeah, I thought so too. 🙂

    In summary, the fact that by choosing to embrace Mac App Store and Mac App Store only you effectively removed the possibility of upgrade pricing for existing users, no matter the method of purchase, is what is annoying me the most; not the fact that new customers get the thing cheaper. Whether you did this on purpose or inadvertently is besides the point – you still did it. Thus, I will now most likely have to pay more for 2.0 and 3.0 upgrades when they are announced than without the Mac App Store transition.

    14 years ago
  • Eric

    Without information on what 2.0 is, or how much it will be full price, the out and out fact is that people who bought Pixelmator early (like myself, over a year ago), and supported the company – are getting screwed. Someone suggested a refund system; we’d rebuy, and then send receipt to you guys so that new folks aren’t getting a much better deal. That would have been great.

    As is, and given the responses and “that’s the way it is” attitude I’m feeling, I think I’m moving on. I enjoy using the software for personal projects as a cheaper and more focused alternative to PS, but I’m done; scratch one more customer off.

    14 years ago
  • Andy


    “It’s $20 cheaper than Acorn, which also is in the same situation with upgrades.”

    Complete rubbish!

    from Flying Meat’s blog:

    “We’re cautiously optimistic about the App Store- but we’re keeping around our own online store as well so we can continue to offer educational pricing, and upgrades.”


    14 years ago
  • Ling

    The fact that new customers having a way better deal than old customers who have been feeding you developers along the way till this huge success, is totally unacceptable (or illogical, to programmers).

    One simple solution:
    Offer non-app-store version of Pixelmator 2.x for free to existing non-app-store users while let new users buy 1.x~2.x for $29.99 in the app store.
    Future versions starting from 3.0 are only available in the app store. At that time, everyone has almost equal deal and no old customers would be unhappy about new customers having a way better deal.


    Vote this up if you like this reasonable “transition to the map app store”!

    14 years ago
  • Florian Gründel

    Dear folks at Pixelmator: it is good practice for decades now that customers receive a discount when they update from one version to the next. But this means: when the update is available.
    What you ask for is: to cede you with 29 Dollar for an unknown time for an update I don´t know if I need it.

    The above is a short excerpt from a longer blogentry (in german, english summary below) on http://flolog.de/osx/haste-ma-ne-mark/ where I wrote down my thoughts on your “offer” that came via newsletter.

    As some (sadly only a few) comments here stated earlier: it´s not about paying for software, that´s fine.
    It´s not even about that some customer might have made a better deal than I did, so what? I can grant this to anyone.
    It´s also not about Apple leaving no chance to find a good way to transition. That´s simply not true.

    It´s simply a problem of your timing:
    keep 1.x versions parallel, and then go with version 2 (as a new app) to MAS only. Fine. It´s my decision then if I want to follow or not. Makes no difference if I´m an existing customer or started with Pixelmator from the MAS.
    You have chosen to now(!) sell a product that´s not only not there yet, but not even information about it available yet.
    This is the problem with your decision, not the painfully, but neccessary changes.
    Your transition could have been much less painful if you had not chosen such a weird upgrade policy. The easiest way would have been to wait a little while and only release version 2 in the MAS. This would have been a clean cut. Comprehensable for everyone. To me it looks like you voluntarily chose maximum confusion.

    Sad but true. But probably without consequences, because Pixelmator fits in a niche where the users have not much other choice if they want to use a powerful, yet easy image editor. The best I can imagine.

    14 years ago
  • Daryn St. Pierre

    I already hate the Mac App Store. I can pretty much predict what happens next. Apple locks apps into the app store, app developers all continue to fold and offer the app store as their ONLY venue for selling their software. Now every Mac user is funneled into a walled off garden of applications and voila–we have the walled garden of OS X. The main reason I’ve avoided the iPhone like the plague.

    If my predictions are correct, I will be switching to Linux sooner than later.

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    I just purchased the $29 upgrade from the App Store, but a receipt wasn’t emailed to me as I’m accustomed to happening. I need it for tax purposes. I can find no where on the App Store where I can print a copy of the transaction.

    14 years ago
  • Aidas

    Receipts are sent once a day. Please allow up to 24 hours for Apple to send the receipt.

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    Thank you. I guess progress is often two steps forward, one step back.
    I’m accustomed to automatic receipts, and that was very convenient.

    Now I have to make a manual note somewhere to look and wait for a receipt to arrive sometime within 24hrs each time I purchase from the App store? How…odd.

    14 years ago
  • Bumminator

    Just bought Pixelmator for my daughter at Amazon for Christmas!
    I knew iPhoto would be powerful enough for her, on her new Mac Book she got for graduation this December. Great Product, we just got caught in the middle of a transition.

    14 years ago
  • mbulgueroni

    Just adding to everyone who felt ripped off after paying USD59 and having to pay USD29 to be migrated to Mac App Store and someday receive a 2.0 version. While others will just pay USD29 from now on and have it all.

    You have gift cards and iTunes codes to use in the App Store my friends at Pixelmator. Use them to give a discount for current owners of licenses and all of us complaining would be replaced by lots of applause.

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    Ling, I agree with you. And requiring a fee doesn’t necessarily mean one must pay the full $29. Apple doesn’t require $29, just something other than free. There are a lot of numbers between $0 and $29.

    Daryn St. Pierre,
    I hate the iTunes essentially because of it’s greedy ties to the iTunes Store. The App Store reminds me of the iTunes Store. I hate how the App Store software tried to take a prominent position on my desktop without my permission, adding itself to my dashboard right next to Finder and making a permanent and predominant entry in my Apple main menu.

    Just like iTunes, my iMac has been violated and commercialized by Apple so they can try to profit further from me, or so they hope. The only difference is that iTunes is a free app. Mac OS X isn’t free!

    It’s like creating my own web page and paying for my own server space, and then the server company suddenly requires that I place an ad banner advertising their services on my own website. Same thing.

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    P.S. And one more thing, apparently there’s no way to print a receipt from the App Store, at least not for Pixelmator.

    14 years ago
  • Daryn St. Pierre

    @Carla — I think you can view your account on the app. There should be a button for it. I think when you view your account it will show a purchase history. How indepth it is, I’m unsure. I’m on an old PowerPC Mac at work so I can check for myself.

    14 years ago
  • Kevin O'Shea

    You’ll get an email receipt from Apple within a day or two, just like items you buy from iTunes.

    I have to say I’m glad for the lack of upgrade pricing, when it’s accompanied by more reasonably priced software overall. Pixelmator rocks, and is a bargain. I’m happy to spend $29, knowing I’ll get 2.0 as part of that.

    Apple got rid of upgrade pricing on the OS, iLife, and iWorks. But given the relatively low cost of those items (and the nice bundle pricing), it’s largely a non-issue. When you do upgrade pricing, you always have to draw a line somewhere, and that means a single day is the difference between one person getting a better deal than the next.

    Give me good, reasonably priced software, and a simple buying mechanism and I’m happy. I swear, some people just look for reasons to complain.

    14 years ago
  • JC

    “Give me good, reasonably priced software, and a simple buying mechanism and I’m happy.”

    So where is your version of Pixelmator 2.0 then?

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    Daryn St. Pierre, I’ve looked twice, both in Account Information and Purchases.

    Kevin O’Shea, people don’t normally need receipts for iTunes purchases for tax and accounting purposes. Applications purchased for business purposes are a little different and Apple should have realized that. They need to provide a way to print out a receipt from the App Store.

    14 years ago
  • Andy


    The term of use of the app store forbid commercial use. So you can’t use the software for business purposes anyway!

    End of problem 😉

    (I and just bought Aperture before I realised that!)

    14 years ago
  • Andy

    Actually that may not be the case:

    (i) You may download and sync a Product for personal, noncommercial use on any device You own or control.

    (ii) If You are a commercial enterprise or educational institution, You may download and sync a Product for use by either (a) a single individual on one or more devices You own or control or (b) multiple individuals, on a single shared device You own or control. For example, a single employee may use the Product on both the employee’s iPhone and iPad, or multiple students may serially use the Product on a single iPad located at a resource center or library.

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    What say you Pixelmator?

    By requiring all future releases of Pixelmator to be purchased from the App Store, are you now prohibiting ALL your customers from using your software for their business? Aren’t you losing potential customers and business that way?

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    I am a one-person business, the software will only be used by one person — me. But…it’s still a business, and I still need a way other than an out-of-the-blue email to print a receipt.

    14 years ago
  • WDH

    Being a multiple copy owner of Pixelmator I have to say that I am disappointed. While I understand your logic and decision, I am disappointed to see you abandon your existing customers without a real solution with the attempt to divert blame to apple.

    Apple isn’t choosing to abandon us as users, you are, by your choice, please at least own up to that for yourselves.

    This combined with what I perceive to be a poor match of your tool additions and feature enhancements to my needs will really push me back to my search for a viable photo editing toolset on the mac.

    14 years ago
  • AleKra

    It’s certainly a good idea to outsource marketing to Apple, since Pixelmator doesn’t seem to know much about it – at least regarding it’s old customers. 🙂
    You really should have released 2.0 when migrating to the App-Store. I would still buy 1.x again but you don’t even seem to know if 2.x will be for free or not.

    14 years ago
  • Chris Strobel

    I think the question here can only be if one is willing to pay for a version 2.0 without having any information on release date or features.

    By the promises made here about the 2.0 version, it really has to be overwhelming. If it won’t, ok, then the real discussion will start, driven by customers wanting their money back.

    As I don’t have a reason not to trust the Pixelmator team, I’ve come to the decision that I’m going to pay for a version I don’t know anything about. Their deliverables have always satisfied me in the past, so why should that not be the case in the future?

    But i think this discussion about rebates isn’t worthwile.
    Does anyone remember what he/she paid for a 386-SX-16 PC in 1992? And what was the price of the same hardware in 1994? So there will always be a discount for products getting older. And there will always be one day on which the price of a product is lowered for the first time.

    From a “customer satisfaction” point of view, maybe it would have been a bit more clever to 1.) announce a discount (maybe last year October or November) and 2.) announce the transition to the app store now. That way the “late adopters” would not have felt betrayed.

    14 years ago
  • Juliano Aguiar

    Is very hard this.

    14 years ago
  • Dan

    Pixelmator Team,

    It seems pretty clear now. The only way you will make this lot happy is to simply make Pixelmator 2.0 free for everybody. Of course, there will be no more Pixelmator 3.0 after that, because you will no longer be able to pay your bills and salaries, but nevermind that. We will all be finally happy. Until we are forced to buy Photoshop again, for several times the price of your silly little program.

    14 years ago
  • Jose Riveros

    “Kevin O’Shea, people don’t normally need receipts for iTunes purchases for tax and accounting purposes. Applications purchased for business purposes are a little different and Apple should have realized that. They need to provide a way to print out a receipt from the App Store.”

    The above is troubling. Much like Carla, I cannot see purchasing software without a receipt.

    On another matter, what about gift purchases?

    I want to purchase Pixelmator for my sister. Now that it is tied to the App Store, if I purchase Pixelmator through my account can I transfer it to her account? I do not believe there is way to do that within the App Store.

    14 years ago
  • Chris Peden


    So what your really saying is that you are throwing all your eggs into one basket and customers whom don’t agree with your view on the Mac App Store should go with another company whom is going to force its customers to use the App Store if they do not want to.


    14 years ago
  • Chris Peden

    correction: isn’t going to force its customers.

    14 years ago
  • JasonK

    Lots of upset people here most of which seems to revolve around the fact that they feel put upon because of Apple’s policies. Guys if you’re that upset either continue to use 1.x and don’t upgrade, upgrade, or buy something else….Acorn for instance. Flying Meat, as noted earlier, is going to use both methods for distribution. For whatever reason the Pixelmator guys have decided to go 100% with the appstore (most likely its cheaper overall vs. their current method of distribution). If you don’t like it vote with your pocketbooks. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.

    14 years ago
  • JasonK

    @Chris Peden: that seems to be exactly what they’re saying. You’re not running their business. It might be a perfect option for them to *stay* in business in the first place. Nobody knows but them. Jesus you’d think they were asking $300. You’re getting 2.x for $29. Quite possibly the upgrade outside of the app store would have been that or more for existing users. I’m just not getting all of the outrage being displayed here (and I’m a long-time user as well….also own Acorn).

    14 years ago
  • Jaded

    Pixelmator has chosen to go the MAS direction and they should realize it is going to upset people. I paid $50 for it a year ago. I also feel a twinge of discontent at the fact new customers can pay $30 to get something I am going to end up paying $80 for when all is said and done.

    Pixelmator has to decide what is best for them. Sadly, short term damage to customer relations is probably worth the long term benefits of the MAS.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    opposite in fact – we did what we thought is best for our existing customers – not only a huge discount, but a promise of a huge upgrade. Try comparing our solution with any other same-caliber app discount out there and it’ll be obvious.

    14 years ago
  • Jaded


    You just don’t get it. There are several ways to look at this _deal_. I know you guys have tried to accommodate the most people with the decision. You seem to be naive about the fact that others don’t view it as such a great deal. For instance, I don’t see any point buying the same app for $30 just to get a theoretical upgrade sometime this year. I’m not saying you are trying to rip people off, but things happen in life. You can’t guarantee 100% that Pixelmator 2.0 will come out. Therefore, I won’t be purchasing Pixelmator through the MAS until such time as there is a Pixelmator 2.0 (if at all).

    14 years ago
  • Aidas

    Users who followed Pixelmator development for the past few years know very well that we’re totally committed to bring top quality product instead of just chasing quick money. Pixelmator has changed a lot since the initial release and we’ve never even considered releasing a paid upgrade before 1.x version is perfect. The best thing is that 1.x era isn’t over yet! I’m sure you’ll be surprised to see some very important improvements before the Pixelmator 2.0.

    Just wanted to explain again why we’re doing all this. This was posted on our blog shortly after the Mac App Store announcement:

    Specifically for us, the good thing is that once we are in the Store, we will finally be able to focus completely on Pixelmator improvements, quality, and new features instead of worrying about how to reach our customers (we need as many customers as possible to continue or even boost our innovation march), build the best website, or manage a Web store. We would be very happy to be able to simply focus on creating the best image editor for the Mac.
    We are good at creating the best Mac apps – and should do only that.

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    8 hours later, still no receipt.

    14 years ago
  • Aidas


    Mac App Store purchases can be viewed in iTunes. According to the Apple support article (link below) e-mails are sent in ~12 hours but this might be different in the Mac App Store.

    More information from Apple http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2727

    If you don’t receive the receipt within the next 16 hours I suggest you to contact Apple Mac App Store Support.

    14 years ago
  • NickT

    “Kilian, if that’s how it is with you, I doubt they care if they lost you. Blame your conversion rate, not Pixelmator Team. They aren’t getting any more money out of the transaction from you than from any other country. You just want it even cheaper than anyone else.”

    I posted prior to Kilian about purchasing from outside the US. In the App Store, Pixelmator is $37AU. This has NOTHING to do with Conversion Rate, because we are at parity with the US. $29US = $29.nnAU.

    I don’t blame the Pixelmator Team for this.

    However, the fundamental problem for me is that ALL Apps in the App Store for NON-US purchasers are being subjected to Apple’s own ‘Conversion Rates’, which push the purchase prices up considerably. So for companies who are saying they are now only selling through the App Store, it is forcing prices up for non-US users. When they say, our program is only $29US, or take Aperture.. $79US… it’s NOT the equivalent outside the US. On the App Store, those programs are $37AU and $99AU respectively. Yet if I bought Pixelmator (with my credit card) from their website for $29US, it would still cost me less than $30AU.

    14 years ago
  • NickT

    @Carla have you looked at your account in iTunes? If you look at Purchases it shows your App Store purchases there.


    14 years ago
  • Dmitri Zdorov

    I know that you are trying to calm down existing customers with a new lower price, but most of them will feel bad, because it basically troughs away their previous payment and makes them to start over, just like a new customer. Promising some potentially good, but still an imaginary product for free in the future if we pay now for something we already bought is lame.
    Talk to Apple, they somehow have it, my iWork applications are listed as installed already. Offer vouchers, shares, or some gifts in exchange, what ever, just do not ruin the support spirit you had.

    14 years ago
  • Saulius Dailide


    that’s exactly why the confusion is so big: your iWork app status is incorrect. The Mac App Store may show software bought from us previously as “Installed”, even though they’re two different licenses. You will not get Mac App Store updates unless you re-purchase your iWork apps from the Mac App Store.

    14 years ago
  • Robert B.

    OK I bought it.

    14 years ago
  • Carla


    Thank you, I really do appreciate that.

    Yes, the transaction detail is in iTunes, …not App Store. Apparently there’s nothing odd about that, apparently that is perfectly logical and makes perfect sense…to everyone but me.

    14 years ago
  • David Biedny

    Fascinating thread… so help me out here, but what’s to stop the Pixelmator brothers from offering a specific upgrade deal to registered users? Assuming the company is run like an actual business, there’s a database of paid customers, with an idea of when they got aboard, perhaps some of them have even licensed multiple copies. OK, do the right thing for these folks, and make it a direct transaction, no one in the middle,(and how long is the $29 price good for? You state “limited time”, with no idea of the term, the same way that there appears to be no info on the specifics of the 2.0 upgrade, perhaps not the best way to conduct clear communications with your customer base). Apple can’t stop you from interacting with your fans, right?

    The transition policy is something that has been created arbitrarily, why can’t it be modified in a way that doesn’t alienate the passionate user base? It’s pretty obvious that many are upset, so why not step up tot he challenge and implement a policy which both recognizes existing users, and new ones? It doesn’t seem like rocket science to me. And, as someone who is not as impressed with Pixelmator as many, it’s not like I have any vested interest, for my money, the $80 or so that many users seem upset to part with, is the cost of PS Elements, which has a much more robust feature set, IMO, Adobe-hatred issues aside. Seems to me like there’s some Pixelmator-hatred brewing in this thread, and the brothers can demonstrate how they think of their customers, and avoid the fallout which seems to be happening, by simply putting some good public relations into action. It’s marketing 101.

    And those of you who are longtime users, how much do you value your tools? If you’re really committed to supporting this product, seems to me like $80 is not a huge sum, assuming that you’ve been getting good, productive use out of the product. I’ll remind you, you’d be out the $80 if you went the Adobe route, so what’s the big problem? If you believe in a product and company, then show it by actually being supportive and not spouting off like self-entitled adolescents.

    14 years ago
  • fjpoblam

    Ditto Justin’s comment of January 7, 2011 at 2:21PM. By ceding control to Apple, you’ve lost a customer. Enjoy your new home. There’s plenty alternatives, both free and paid, and I’d pick even a more expensive one on principle.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    I think it’s all about principles. The level of principles vary, it’s a very personal thing, and what that individuals principles are.

    The price is not the issue for me, what is, is the fact that in my opinion, the team decided to go 100% for the app store too early (A kid with a new toy?).

    There are always teething problems with new ventures like this. They should of kept the existing purchasing/upgrade route open as well, while evaluating the pro’s and con’s of the app store. (At least until version 2 was made available).
    During this time, they could of also collected and evaluated all the comments (Both from new, pioneering and recent customers), and made the decision whether to go 100% with the app store or not. Then they could of made available this current promotional price at version 2.

    Although a decision to go 100% app store would place me personally at a disadvantage, as in my country there is no option on the app store for PayPal purchases. (That’s the only way I do online purchases), but that’s An Apple gripe.

    Also (And I don’t think it was intentional), placing the latest version on the app store before the usual route was a mistake, as they have been overwhelmed by the app store, and had to delay posting the latest version on this web site. But I do not blame anyone for thinking that this was a marketing ploy to try and steer as many existing customers to the app store as possible, but as I said, I don’t believe this was intentional.

    14 years ago
  • Xero

    Prices get marked down sometimes, and quite frankly its nothing to complain about. The only thing I’m puzzled about is why 1.6.4 is only available via the App Store and not through the in-Pixelmator update function. And where did 1.6.3 ever go.

    14 years ago
  • Greg

    @Jaded: way to be a whiney little s.o.b. Stop using pxm and go get something free like gimp and stop complaining.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    Please respect an individuals principles, whatever they be. Providing they are not abusive.

    14 years ago
  • PsykX

    This thread is a mess.

    Guys, you’re the developer of Pixelmator. Don’t tell me you don’t put this in the App Store. Please. Don’t. That’d be the most ridiculous decision in the whole process.

    It’s a really good way to sell more and more of Pixelmators, generate more revenue and then develop more. It’s a very good application, and I don’t feel like every Mac users knows it, far from there. Now they will.

    On the other hand, I believe many developers will send feed-back to Apple regarding what’s happening. They’re not the only ones to be the victim of Apple’s system. It’s up to Apple to fix the situation, and I hope they will. Meanwhile, the best the Pixelmator team can do is give the same support they gave before on their site. Same effort, but with an App Store.

    Or maybe they can just update every Pixelmator user with 1.6.4 and then the App Store will recognize it!?

    14 years ago
  • JP

    So… old customers have to pay more for your upgrade. Brilliant. A bit disappointed.

    14 years ago
  • Kercal

    Holy cats, thread messages a go -go.

    Place me in the ‘slightly disappointed we didn’t get the upgrade first but understand how Mac app store took business priority’.

    Also – we always knew 2 would be a paid upgrade didn’t we? Yeah it’s a little clumsy the way its been done but tbh all I’ve done is pay for an upgrade I always knew I was going to buy early.

    Now my main issue is impatience in waiting for the updates to come 🙂

    14 years ago
  • Khalid

    Barry (#149) said:
    “it seems the Pixelmator team are assuming everyone will want to pay for an upgrade to version 2.0, when in fact that may not be the case. Like i said, I am happy with version 1.x. So before I pay £18, I need to know if version 2.0 will be worth paying for, by knowing what it improves on.”

    The Pixelmator Team replies:
    “we can not comment 2.0 yet since our goals are to surprise and delight our customers – that’s exactly what version 2.0 will do.”


    I personally would be happy with Pixelmator 1.x indefinitely if it just had decent text tools: crisp vs. strong anti-aliasing and kerning. I bought Pixelmator hoping that would show up in a 1.x release. Is that the case?

    2.0 may be a fancy upgrade, but there are those of us whose needs are very simple and just want the obvious gap in 1.x filled. I really only need to (a) crop, (b) apply auto-levels, (c) add some properly set text, and (d) save for the web. I can do a, b, and d in Pixelmator as it is (or even Preview, a little less elegantly) and however fancy 2.0 might be, it is likely to make little difference to me. I will be delighted if not surprised if you can give me some hard information on when the proper text handling features are coming in 1.x, and surprised but not delighted if they just show up unannounced as a 2.0-only feature. 🙂

    14 years ago
  • Tomi

    “opposite in fact – we did what we thought is best for our existing customers – not only a huge discount, but a promise of a huge upgrade. Try comparing our solution with any other same-caliber app discount out there and it’ll be obvious.”

    So you gave us two separate things: huge discount and a promise of a huge upgrade. Ok, so we can get 2.0, whatever it is, for free whenever it comes out. Cool. But what exactly is the huge discount you are talking about for? For the program you already own?

    I think you should at least come up with a coherent interpretation for your $29 deal. If you consider that a price for transition to Mac App Store, then the price is a bit steep. If, on the other hand, you consider that a price for upgrade, then you’d better post at least some actual details about the upgrade. It’s pretty obvious at this point that many people are not amused about this secrecy even if you wanted to “suprise and delight” users at some later date.

    14 years ago
  • Marc

    I don’t like to be forced to buy a second license and I want to decide myself, when I’m going to buy an upgrade. So I just wiped Pixelmator of my HD, it’s that easy. Bye, bye Pixelmator.

    14 years ago
  • Tom dB

    Would you believe it I have read every one of these comments. I bought PM about 6 months ago to move away from Adobe PS.

    As it stands now I’m on the edge of buying again, but I’m waiting on how the Pixelmator Team react to this. I’m sure there are lots of meetings happening right now. I would like an announcement of when the introductory price will be removed, so I don’t miss out and kick myself.

    From what I’ve read, I think the best reaction to this debacle is:
    Allow all existing customers to continue with their non MAP “contract” up ’til version 3.
    Bring new customers in only through MAP.
    At the end of V2 have all existing customers switch to MAP at full price. (remember all existing customers will have started in v1.x and should feel no remorse at paying full price for V3).

    Feedback to Apple. If a solution through credit or upgrade pricing is offered in the mean time re-assess and move existing customers into MAP.

    What’s important to remember, and I’m not sure Pixelmator have appreciated, is that a full transition will take time, possibly years. Not ideal, but that’s the situation – we saw it with the PowerPC and Intel support transition.

    For the record I feel no anger at Pixelmator for their decision, it’s a difficult situation and offering an “invisible product” (i.e. V2 with no launch date) is a hard sell. If something like this was implemented I see them being slightly more liberal with version numbers 😉

    14 years ago
  • Chris

    As an existing PXM 1 user I want to know happens if I don’t choose to “upgrade” to the MAP version now? When PXM 2 comes I’m sure the price on MAP will rise from the current $29? When it does how will you offer an upgrade path existing PMX 1 users? Will the upgrade path cost $29 too?

    14 years ago
  • ikir

    Pixelmator is the best software i’ve ever bought on any platform.
    I’ve used it for 1-2 years and it cost a fraction of Photoshop. Updates are always free until 1.x so it is good deal even if you bought it few days ago. Discounted price on Mac App Store is awesome, i have just bought it again to have 2.x for free and support Pixelmator team. In my opinion 29$ is a bargain even for an upgrade!

    14 years ago
  • JP

    1.The MAS version is still higher… is not a good sign for their “support” of non-MAS customers.
    2. If non-MAS customers choose not to re-buy as MAS version at this point and then they raise the price of 2.0, non-MAS customers will in effect be paying many times more than new MAS customers should they choose to buy 2.0.
    3. Pixelmator choosing to go full MAS may be part of the reason it is being prominently featured on MAS which, I believe, is attracting many many new customers. Good for them, but in the process the old faithful are being forgotten.
    4. Businesswise, it makes sense. But I might be looking for alternatives.

    14 years ago
  • Paul M

    Wow, what a bunch of whiners! Incredible.

    I just want to give a big thanks to the Pixelmator team for developing such an awesome product, and now making it available for such a low price (either for new users or as an upgrade later).

    I really don’t give a sh_t that I paid more for it before. It was still a good price for a great product and I was happy to pay it – nothing has changed. Except now I can get the upgrade cheaper, and more people get to try it out for less now too.

    People who feel ripped off because someone else got something a little cheaper need to get a life.

    Also, great move going to the AppStore – it’s the future of application distribution on Macs and anyone who thinks otherwise should remove their blinkers.

    Paul M.

    14 years ago
  • Barry

    JP said:
    “If non-MAS customers choose not to re-buy as MAS version at this point and then they raise the price of 2.0, non-MAS customers will in effect be paying many times more than new MAS customers should they choose to buy 2.0.”

    Exactly the problem. If we already own the non-MAS version, and are unsure wether to spend £18 on the 2.0 upgrade because there is literally no info given on it and we are happy with v1.x, then we will be penalised when version 2.0 finally gets released by having to pay a higher price if we then decide we want it. Ridiculous!!

    14 years ago
  • Ed

    Paul M – decisions like this are based on the hope that there are enough people like you who don’t get it.

    If you’re an existing customer, you can throw down money now on a version with no release date or feature information, or you can wait and gamble that the price won’t go up.

    If you’re happy with that, I’ve got some magic beans here you might be interested in.

    14 years ago
  • Paul M

    Ed, that’s crap.

    A week ago, you were happy that you’d bought Pixelmator and were most likely happy that at some stage in the future, you’d be shelling out to buy v2.0.

    This hasn’t changed.

    The ONLY thing that’s changed is (1) You can choose to “pre-pay” for the upgrade now, and possibly get it cheaper (it’s only thirty bucks…), or (2) Just upgrade later. Or not. Just as you would have (or not) if this hadn’t happened.

    You are no worse off than you were, and in fact better of, and you’re going postal because someone else might end up with a better arrangement. Pathetic.

    I’ve never seen anything like it. I guess that’s the thanks they get for making their software affordable – they end up with whiners as customers complaining about the fact they’ve been able to make their software cheaper for others.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    There is more than one type of whining going on here. And whining at disgruntled customers does not help matters.

    As I said before. Respect individuals principles, whatever they be, as long as they are not abusive.

    14 years ago
  • Paul M

    It’s interesting to think… it would seem there’d be less disgruntled peeps if Pixelmator hadn’t offered a free upgrade to 2.0 for those purchasing it new now, a few months before the 2.0 release (other vendors call it “purchase insurance”).

    No existing customers are worse off than they were, and most likely better off (as their upgrade will most likely be cheaper than it would have been, regardless of whether they buy now or later). Yet reading this thread you’d think the sky was falling in.


    14 years ago
  • Trent

    The only problem for me, is that my online purchasing method (PayPal), has now been removed for the purchase of a new Pixelmator license because in my country the app store does not have that as an option.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    Otherwise I would gladly pay to upgrade onto the app store.

    14 years ago
  • Paul M

    Trent: That’s a reasonable concern. Unfortunately it’s probably an issue you’ll face more and more, especially online. Credit Cards are really the way to pay these days.

    Does anyone in your country offer disposable visa/mastercard “gift cards”? In my country you can purchase (say) a $30 “gift card” from the post office that can be used anywhere that accepts Visa, including online. Not ideal, but could be a solution.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    If you read my earlier post (204), I believe that this could have been done a different way.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    “Does anyone in your country offer disposable visa/mastercard “gift cards”? In my country you can purchase (say) a $30 “gift card” from the post office that can be used anywhere that accepts Visa, including online. Not ideal, but could be a solution.”

    That is an interesting solution, and I don’t know yet, but I could look into it.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    @ Paul M

    I have just checked online, and I can get a pre-paid visa card from the post office. And as you can only purchase up to the amount you have put on the card, there are no security issues. Thanks for the info.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    I think that I will have to save the current version separately, as the new one has introduced a bug where quartz composer filters are not displayed, and I develop quartz composer filters that are tailored for Pixelmator.

    14 years ago
  • david

    First off I want to thank the Pixelmator for a great product and will most likely buy the MAS to get the 2.0 upgrade (which I do believe will come).

    I do have one question before I do. Until the bug fix comes can I have both versions installed?

    Thanks again

    14 years ago
  • Mark

    Sorry to hear that. I (eventually) found a small, nice program that I like, but Apples AppStore is definitively a no-go (at least now).

    I hope you re-think your decision…

    PS: I tested Pixelmator during the holidays and wanted to buy it today. Lucky for me I’ve seen the message in time!

    14 years ago
  • Tiny

    What is all this whining? People seem to be really cheap and very greedy these days. Pixelmator has done a great job and if you look at what they have done to the program since it came out, I am surprised that they had not charged earlier for upgrades. I have been using it since it came out and still like it a lot and have bought the pre-upgrade now already in the Appstore. I see no reason why the team should give 2.0 for free to existing customers. The only thing I sort of hold against them is that they should have made new customers in the last 4 weeks aware of this, to decide to wait or not, as it does make it a bit unfair unless the upgrade to v2 comes in 6 months. There will be more issues, with other programs like this too and it is than to each and every single person to decide if he buys an upgrade or not. It always depends on what an upgrade brings with it.
    So my comment and reaction is, stop whining!

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    On the other hand. Without the bug reporting and feedback from pioneering purchasers, I doubt that Pixelmator would be at the development stage it is at the moment. Imagine if they all just sat back and decided the team are responsible for finding all the bugs.

    Also, unless they can get an upgrade system in place and just do a special price on the app store when a major update (Upgrade) comes out, then it no longer becomes an upgrade price for existing users, just a reduced price for everyone at that particular time.

    14 years ago
  • julian

    kind of disappointed in this whole fiasco. Do love pixelmator a lot. though i dont use it that often. I am really excited for you guys to be on the MAS because now you will reach the masses and will make more money.
    more money can mean more ppl or more time devoted to the app. = better app for all of us.
    though i do feel a bit cheated. Also since i dont know the new features or new price. for all i know prices might drop down to 15 or 20 (like iphoto etc)
    but i will bite the bullet and believe in your “awesome/amazing/(insert steve quote here)” upgrade.
    I will support further development of your app by moving to MAS

    Please dont let us down. 2.x better be as good as you say it is

    14 years ago
  • Vince

    FYI, one of the real problems with the Mac App Store and any professional software, is that purchasing software via the MAS means you can not use it for commercial work. If you read the new Terms and Agreements for the MAS, you will find this out. So, if you do any design work or photography work, you need to purchase your software outside the MAS. This is why Aperture is only $79 on the MAS – it is for personal, home use, and not commercial use.

    Any app that goes to the MAS exclusively needs to realize this. For an app that displays your currently playing iTunes track in the menubar, that’s fine. For an app like this or iBank or Aperture, which could be used in a business, this is bad. Please keep the option for professional users to still use your software by having a distribution method outside the MAS.

    Thank you.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    I was suspicious of this, but not sure as it was rather vague. Perhaps this is why Photoshop has not appeared on the App store. I will have to reconsider this now. I think the Pixelmator team need to clarify this.

    14 years ago
  • Trent

    I have found this in the App store terms and conditions.

    “Your licence to each App Store Product is subject to the Licensed Application End User License Agreement set forth below. You agree that the terms of the Licensed Application End User License Agreement will apply to each Apple Product and to each Third-Party Product that you license through the Mac App Store or App Store, unless the App Store Product is covered by a valid end user licence agreement entered into between you and the publisher of the App Store Product (the “Publisher”), in which case the Publisher’s end user licence agreement will apply to that App Store Product. The Publisher reserves all rights in and to the App Store Product not expressly granted to you. ”

    This means that if Pixelmators EULA states that it can be used for commercial purposes, then it overrides the App store ones.

    Can the team please clarify this?

    14 years ago
  • emzo

    Though I bought Pixelmator just a few months ago (Promo-Bundle for about 25€, which is a fair price), I don´t think I would have to claim for a free Upgrade to 2.0 as all those users here do. I´m thrilling for news about 2.0 and I´m sure it will be worth another 24€ for good features.

    Will this pricing stay till 2.0, Pixelmator Team? Or is this just an intructory price?

    14 years ago
  • emzo

    Oh, just saw the FAQ. This is a introductory price, so the 2.0 will be more expensive than the transition now.

    14 years ago
  • Carla

    I just got the emailed receipt. Not instantly, as it should be for any legitimate business, not one day later as originally suggested, not two days later as another person surmised. But 4.75 days later.

    That is NOT an acceptable time frame for ANY online purchase transaction.

    The fact that we have to open another application and create a completely different account (iTunes store account) to print our own copy of the receipt doesn’t help matters much either.

    These application purchases made at the “App Store” aren’t being taken seriously enough by Apple. Buying an application should be taken far more seriously than buying an MP3.

    14 years ago
  • TC

    You just lost a customer.

    I feel there are other solutions for previous buyers.

    14 years ago
  • Ælfric

    Any other company, if offering a pre-order, has one price for existing customers, and another, higher price for new customers (often at or near full price). So pardon me, as an existing customer, for feeling shafted for having to buy the program all over again.

    We used to have a level playing field, everyone paid the same price. Now I have to pay $37 for something an American gets for $30. And since Pixelmator gets a fixed 70% of whatever is paid on the MAS, forgive me for feeling shafted again.

    If that’s how Pixelmator treat their existing customers, then I’ll continue to use version 1 until it breaks with some future OS upgrade, then evaluate purchase of a new graphics app. And Pixelmator definitely won’t be in that evaluation.

    14 years ago
  • Damien Guard

    So as an existing 1.x user if I want to upgrade to 2.x at an upgrade price I have to buy now with no indication of what I’ll get and when.

    Wow, sounds like gambling.

    14 years ago
  • Pierre


    I enjoyed Pixelmator 1.x, but I am very reticent to transition to the App Store for any of my software because I disallow Apple to control what I put on my Mac and disagree their ‘Big Brother’ behavior… So I won’t buy Pixelmator 2.x and will look after a free alternative when needed (and maybe a free alternative to Mac OS)…

    Thanks anyway for the job done.

    14 years ago
  • Marcel

    So now Apple allow the developers to create promocode. That would be a possibility for you to transfer existing customers to the App Store 🙂

    13 years ago
  • Chris Peden

    As far as I know apple only allow 50 codes per version of an app so I doubt it would be possible.

    13 years ago
  • sew

    This thread is appalling. I’ve been mulling whether or not to buy PM now and roll the dice on what will be in the new 2.0 feature set. The whining on this thread has pushed me over the edge: I’m buying PM (I already own Adobe PS), just as a show of support to an indy developer who’s giving customers MORE than their value for the money. Sheesh!

    13 years ago
  • Luigi

    This is absolutely a wrong upgrading policy: all customers that have paid for Pixelmator have the same dignity. Either all customers we’ll pay for new one version or nobody. I will find acceptable paying for new version only if all customers, old and new, will pay for it.

    13 years ago
  • Louis

    I have previously written to you via your contact form and wanted to post here as well, after having Googled about this issue, to register my extreme disappointment over this move on your company’s part.

    I believe it is not just unfair, but unconscionable and unethical to make your current licensees re-purchase a license to continue to be able to upgrade the application. Because as I understand it I CANNOT upgrade to 2.0 without either (a) buying v.1.x AGAIN for $30 and getting the free upgrade, or (b) buying the full 2.0 through the App Store for $60.

    If you had told me when you sold me this application license that I would NOT be able to upgrade it without buying an additional license for my current version, I would have been appalled and probably looked elsewhere. This would have been a shame because I really like the application. I detrimentally relied on the representation that I was purchasing a valid, upgradable license, apparently to my detriment given your current actions. I can’t even sell my copy of Pixelmator now, should I choose to uninstall due to your actions, because you have made my current physical copy of your application worthless as it’s license is not actually upgradeable.

    Do yourself a favor Pixelmator, reward your loyal installed base by providing us a refund, like other companies are doing, so that we can then go and purchase it again if we choose to, or not. You could even require we return the disc or box or something to prove we own it. I have already registered but apparently your dog ate those files or somehow you cannot tell that I and others REALLY own our current pre-MAS licenses.

    But do something to help us out and reward us for your supporting you prior to your making it big on the MAS. Otherwise it all just smack of greed, an utter disregard and lack of respect for your customers, and leave a bad taste in the mouth.

    13 years ago
  • Very angry customer

    I supported the Pixelmator since his release, I bought a license in the first times. Now I’m very angry with you new policies.

    I’ll never buy any product of your company, but I’ll waiting for your 2 release for get a cracked version, a free upgrade, company policies like yours deserve the piracy.

    13 years ago
  • Jay

    Guys, just chill!
    It’s not the evil developers – it’s Apple!!

    They don’t allow developers to offer upgrade pricing for customers, and as long as they won’t offer that there’s not much everybody who wants to sell through the Mac App Store can do.

    It’s annoying, for sure. But instead of hammering all the Pixelmators and Omnis and Panics of this world with silly requests for refunds or free upgrades we should rather all keep bugging Apple until they finally allow vendors to provide an upgrade option to their customers!


    13 years ago
  • Marcel

    So now,
    good news for everybody. Breaking news from twitter:
    “Pixelmator 2.0 Chameleon is approved by Apple for the Mac App Store.”

    13 years ago
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