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Layers in Image Editing

Layers are the basis for image editing. Gorgeous image compositions are created by combining several pictures into one final image. These pictures, the elements of the whole image, are called layers.

To understand the basics of layers within a composition, think of them as stackable elements, each of which holds part of your image. The higher a layer is in the stacking order, the more “in front” it will be. Transparent areas on a layer allow you to see the layers beneath it, and the final appearance of the picture depends on the layers’ order.

The place where you view and arrange the order of layers is called the Layers palette. The Layers palette shows individual layers and their content. Every time you open or place images, add text, or draw a shape, the new layer is created in the Layers palette. In Pixelmator, you can use the Layers palette to select, create new, remove, merge, show, and hide layers; arrange stacks of layers; create clipping masks; link layers; and preserve layers’ transparency.

With layers, you can do more than just arrange elements in your composition: You can edit each of them individually without affecting the rest of your image. Click to select the layer in the Layer palette, and then freely edit, move, resize, erase, paint, adjust colors, or do anything else to satisfy your artistic vision. By using layers, you can even quickly compare several effects to determine which one is the best for the image by hiding and unhiding layers.

The more you play with layers, the more you will discover creative ways to achieve your desired results. Also, because layers help you to edit images non-destructively, you should never be afraid of experimenting. Learn more about layers in practice by following any of the Pixelmator tutorials.