Improper handling of color in brush tool after applying color adjustments

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2022-10-18 12:33:31

Brush tool behave incorrectly after color adjustment is applied to layer.

How to reproduce:

- create a project.
- fill the layer with a color, say red: FF0000
- select color adjustment panel, go to Color Balance wheel and move central knob all way right. The color of the layer is changed to be something like purple.
- select brush tool, select color picker. Pick the color from the layer. Start drawing on the layer.

There should be no visual effect, as you are drawing over the layer with color picked from that layer. Surprisingly you are drawing with different color. :(

The same applies for the adjustment made to whole group:
- create a project.
- fill the layer with a color, say red: FF0000
- group the layer into single-layer group;
- select the group, select color adjustment panel, go to Color Balance wheel and move central knob all way right.
- now select the layer, select brush, pick the color from the layer and start to paint. Again there should be no effect, and again the color is different than picked one.
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2022-10-18 13:53:01

This is expected behavior. You are using the Color Picker to select the altered color and drawing with it within the original layer, which means any color adjustments that are active will also alter your new brush strokes:
