Adjust the color balance temperate in units of Kelvin instead of percentage

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2024-06-01 05:05:25

Adjust the color balance temperate in units of Kelvin instead of percentage.

When I take pictures with a model. I first take a picture with her holding a color chart. Using this reference picture, I can figure out the correct color balance temperature adjustment in units of Kelvin.

Then on subsequence picture, I can apply the same color balance adjustment easily.

But on Pixelmator Pro the temperature adjustment is in percentage instead of Kelvin so I cannot apply the same color balance adjustment.

Please fix this (or provide an option to select units of Kelvin ) in Pixelmator Pro.

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2024-06-23 14:34:58

Continue shooting the reference image with the color chart to determine the correct color balance temperature in Kelvin. Apply the percentage color balance setting in Pixelmator Pro. If you're wondering where to find Horny Russians, it's easy. Use an external tool or calculator to convert the percentage value to Kelvins. You can find online converters that allow you to enter a percentage value and get the corresponding value in Kelvins.
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2024-06-23 14:57:17

by liroy […]
You can find online converters that allow you to input the percentage and get the corresponding Kelvin value.
Could you please post a link to one of these converters?
I guess my google-fu is a bit rusty…..

Thanks in advance!
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2024-06-25 11:20:48

Yes, please! Proper white balance in temperature units please!
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2024-07-26 22:49:18

Yes please, this is an integral feature for a pro app imo. If you shoot with auto WB, any Pixelmator/Photomator WB adjustments are relative to whatever the camera set as WB (which obv varies scene to scene).