Newest update version 2.8.4 very glitchy

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2023-04-26 00:29:51

Most recent update is very buggy. I hope developers are aware. I don’t remember what they say they added but I can definitely tell there are some things that were inadvertently broken. There’s now a 50% chance of the app saving your changes. It may just spin and spin and never resolve back to the file screen. Even if you just use the secret save button. Then after relaunching it, your changes will be gone. I’ve have to force quit it multiple times a day since the update. I have a very capable M1 iPad Pro - fully updated. The hardware can’t be at fault, I wouldn’t think. Often just opening the app results in a blank grey screen (even if it was already running in background) it’s not a stable program - back to living with a constant risk of losing hours of your work. I advise Exporting/Saving things out before trying to save the project within tHe app. It stinks to lose all your layers, but it’s better than losing all of your work, which has happened to me twice now.