Brushes for local adjustments and a Photos extension!

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Photo?
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2023-03-25 03:46:47

I just started with Pixelmator Photo after years with Pixelmator and then the Pro version.
It really needs brushes to make local adjustments. That would make editing much easier.
Also, please make an Apple Photos extension - preferably in both versions but especially in the upcoming macOS version. I realize that you can view your entire library in Pixelmator Photos but an extension like Pixelmator Pro has would be greatly appreciated.
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2023-05-19 19:51:03

Yes, I'd like a Photos extension too. There's one for Pixelmator Pro, and that's useful, so why not for Photomator?
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2023-06-30 12:16:41

Indeed brushes would be fantastic, for refining Subject selections and masks as well. Thank you!
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2023-07-05 13:10:16

by Laurent King Indeed brushes would be fantastic, for refining Subject selections and masks as well. Thank you!
This gets back to "why two apps"? I was working in Photomator using one of the new layer selections but needed to refine the mask. So I had to go over to Pixelmator Pro to do that. Seems the more I use the new app the more I ask the same question.