You created this automator file that sharpens the image and then sets the auto lighting to 50%. I want to create an automator file that just does the sharpening. I tried removing the auto lighting part, but that didn't work. Can you please help me? Thanks!
How to adjust this Automator file?
2022-07-19 21:00:31
2022-07-19 21:00:49
tell application "Pixelmator Pro"
set originalImages to choose file with prompt ¬
"Please select the images to process:" with multiple selections allowed
set exportLocation to choose folder with prompt ¬
"Please select where you'd like export the images:"
repeat with a from 1 to number of originalImages
set currentImage to open item a of originalImages
tell layer 1 of currentImage
tell its color adjustments
set its sharpen to 135
set its sharpen radius to 1
end tell
auto light
set opacity to 50
end tell
export currentImage to file ((exportLocation as text) & ¬
name of currentImage & ".pxd") as Pixelmator Pro
close currentImage without saving
end repeat
display notification (number of originalImages as text) & ¬
" images have been successfully edited." with title "Auto WB and Auto Lightness"
end tell
set originalImages to choose file with prompt ¬
"Please select the images to process:" with multiple selections allowed
set exportLocation to choose folder with prompt ¬
"Please select where you'd like export the images:"
repeat with a from 1 to number of originalImages
set currentImage to open item a of originalImages
tell layer 1 of currentImage
tell its color adjustments
set its sharpen to 135
set its sharpen radius to 1
end tell
auto light
set opacity to 50
end tell
export currentImage to file ((exportLocation as text) & ¬
name of currentImage & ".pxd") as Pixelmator Pro
close currentImage without saving
end repeat
display notification (number of originalImages as text) & ¬
" images have been successfully edited." with title "Auto WB and Auto Lightness"
end tell