October 15, 2024
Photomator 3.4 introduces photo culling with flags, star ratings, and advanced filtering
Photomator 3.4 is out now, introducing a fresh way to organize your photo library across Mac, iPhone, and iPad. With new features like flags and star ratings, you can now easily organize your photos and manage even the largest photoshoots. And, with advanced filtering options on Mac, you can effortlessly find just the photos you need. We can’t wait for you to try these fantastic library management features!
Flags and Star Ratings
Flags and star ratings are now available on Mac, iPhone, and iPad. These features make it incredibly easy to organize photos and even large-scale photoshoots by letting you quickly mark favorites, reject unwanted shots, or add star ratings to photos. You can rate and flag photos directly in the browser or in the filmstrip – whatever your photo culling workflow may be.
On Mac, you can add flags and star ratings in various ways – through the Info window, the shortcut menu after Control-clicking a photo, the Image menu at the top of your screen, or with keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, you can flag photos by clicking the flag icon inside a photo’s thumbnail or by using the Flag and Reject buttons in the toolbar. On iPhone and iPad, flags and star ratings are available exclusively in the Photos browser. You can quickly flag and rate a photo by touching and holding it, and then selecting a star rating or flag. Later, you can find photos with flags and star ratings already filtered in the Utilities collection, alongside other albums.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Quickly add flags and star ratings using shortcuts on Mac, either directly in the photo browser or in the filmstrip. Additionally, when culling photos in the filmstrip, use the Shift ⇧ key in combination with any of these shortcuts to set a flag or rating and select the next photo.
Flag and Reject
Press Z to mark, X to reject, and U to remove flags.
Star Ratings
Press a number from 1 to 5 to rate a photo with the corresponding number of stars. Press 0 to remove the rating.
Advanced Filtering
The latest update also introduces advanced filtering options for Mac, making it effortless to find the perfect shots. You can filter photos by file type, flag, star rating, file name, and choose to include or exclude edited photos. On macOS Sequoia, you can also filter by date and location. For quick access, these filtering features are located in the toolbar of the browser and on the right side of the filmstrip.
Syncing With Other Apps
Another major feature introduced with the update is the ability to sync flags and ratings with other photo editing apps like Adobe Lightroom and others that store flags and ratings in image metadata or XMP files. This means that you can import entire photo libraries into Photomator and view flags and ratings, as well as access flags and ratings from Photomator in other editing apps. We’ve prepared a detailed article about migrating your photo library to Photomator from different photo editing apps.
We know you’ve been waiting for these amazing new culling features, and we’re excited to bring them to Photomator! Make sure to get the latest update, and if you don’t have a Photomator license yet, you can try it free for one week. The free trial is available in-app when you download Photomator from the App Store.