Creating color blurs in Pixelmator Pro

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2020-09-23 14:49:12

We had a question on Twitter about recreating this color blur effect in Pixelmator Pro. We may post a full tutorial later but, for now, we thought we'd share a few quick examples of getting a similar effect in Pixelmator Pro.

The main trick we're using is various blur effects to blend different shape layers. For a uniform blur, use the Gaussian effect. If you're looking for more of a varied blur, try using things like the Spin blur and the Zoom blur. Here's one example:


To see how the effect was created, you can download the original file here.

And here's another:


Download the original file here.
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2020-12-12 00:55:18

After reading this post, downloading the files, and tinkering around with the effects, I was able to achieve similar images fairly quickly. Thanks for sharing!