November 18, 2010

Some More Interior Stuff

We love our office very much—truly a very creative place to work. But it looks like it’s not only we who appreciate the Pixelmator Team office. Latest to enjoy the office is our good friend Fabio Sasso at the Abduzeedo.


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  • Anon Cowherd

    I wasn’t sure if you follow comments to earlier entries, so.. :p

    > For example, in our opinion layer styles would be useless without perfectly working vector tools. We don’t have any vector tools as of yet.
    > But not to worry about that. You’ll see.

    Alright. Well, can you give us a rough estimate of how long it will take for Layer Styles to arrive? 6 months? 2 years?

    If you had Layer Styles, I’d buy Pixelmator right away. Yes, instantly, and this has been the case for quite a while now.

    But as long as you don’t, I’ll have to wait.. and possibly grit my teeth and buy Photoshop when I finally get my product to a point where I really need to make some graphics.

    Image editing for the rest of us? -Well, the rest of us need Layer Styles :p

    13 years ago
  • hamsta

    Layer Styles are a crutch.
    I would much rather have better type controls.

    13 years ago
  • Anon Cowherd

    Layer Styles are a tool for getting shit done, and even pro designers use them.

    13 years ago
  • hamsta

    I wasn’t putting down your “skill level” as a “pro”. Just stating a fact. ^_^

    13 years ago
  • Anon Cowherd

    I never claimed I was one, and “pro” is a relatively well-understood abbreviation for “professional”.

    Look, even actual professionals do use them – I’ve seen them say so in these blog threads.

    If they use Layer Styles, it means the end result is not any worse than doing everything by hand. That, in turn, means there’s no reason to refuse to use them, nor to smugly admonish their use as a crutch.

    My “skill level” as a graphic designer is close to zero, but that’s alright as long as I can use Layer Styles to get shit done and make it look at least _somewhat_ pretty.

    13 years ago
  • hamsta

    MIght I suggest you take a course or look up some free tutorials to bring your skill set up beyond “close to zero”. That seems to be the major problem you have, not my comment. And of course pro is an abbriviation for professional. @_@

    13 years ago
  • Anon Cowherd

    > MIght I suggest you take a course or look up some free tutorials to bring your skill set up beyond “close to zero”. That seems to be the major problem you have, not my comment.

    Why would I bother if I want to use Layer Styles in any case? I have no problem as long as I have Layer Styles. If I need a Real Design done, I’ll just hire a Real Designer.

    Are you still not seeing the point?

    I think you saw me talk about Layer Styles in an earlier thread too, and I seem to remember you taking the same stance even then.

    Here’s a comparison chart to make my point clear:

    Layer Styles Same End Result By Hand
    ============ =======================
    Effect X: 1x effort 5x effort
    Effect Y: 1x effort 10x effort
    Effect Z: 1x effort 15x effort

    Where “1x effort” equals: “check a damn box and tweak a couple of settings”, and where the effort required to produce the same effect by hand varies by effect, of course.

    Do you get it?

    If the end result is exactly the same, you just want to get there as effortlessly as possible, and if that’s the case _regardless of your skill level as a designer_, then at that point, refusing to use Layer Styles is just time-wasting masturbation, and admonishing their use is being a tedious windbag.

    Should I go around telling other developers that using a web-framework is a crutch, and that they should implement their own?

    Some of them wouldn’t be able to make a web-framework. Should I parade around telling them to learn how to make one just because _I_ could, or should I just let them get on with Getting Shit Done anyway?

    13 years ago
  • Anon Cowherd

    The chart turned to shit, but you can still read it if you concentrate a bit.

    13 years ago
  • hamsta

    I get it. You don’t want to take the time to learn. Nice chart. 🙂

    13 years ago
  • Anon Cowherd

    No you still don’t get it (or more likely, you’re just being intentionally obtuse and a dick, especially judging by “nice chart”).

    It’s not only that I don’t want to learn, but also that it would be _pointless to bother_, because I’d just use Layer Styles in the end even if I didn’t _have to_.

    And one final time: If there are two different ways to accomplish the _exact same fucking thing_, and Way A requires a fraction of the effort of Way B, then you should just fucking use Way A, even if using Way B would give you some smug self-satisfaction.

    13 years ago